Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing 🍪

98. Baking it Down - 8 Social Media Baker Faux Pas

January 31, 2023 Heather and Corrie Miracle Season 5 Episode 18
98. Baking it Down - 8 Social Media Baker Faux Pas
Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing 🍪
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Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing 🍪
98. Baking it Down - 8 Social Media Baker Faux Pas
Jan 31, 2023 Season 5 Episode 18
Heather and Corrie Miracle

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😧 8 Social Media Baker Faux Pas 

It's easy to get bogged down with orders and forget your social media - but not with twin2 lurkin' behind a phone screen! As she goes to engage weekly with the group hashtag, #sugarcookiemarketing, I asked her to come up with a list of the top 8 offenses she sees bakers makin' on social media that's likely robbin' from their bottom lines. 

Here goes:

😒 1. Not Putting your Location in the Instagram Bio

Check out Corrie's Instagram below (and give her a follow here) - see that? You can have your name and your location in your Instagram name - which is searchable (shout out to Kimberly for this tip) - that means not only will your handle be searchable, but any information provided in the name section of the profile as well. In this example, Corrie mentions location twice: once in the name, and again in the bio - in two differentways - her city and then the general area (Northern Virginia) to snag the attention of both her hyperlocal and broader, local audience.

🙁 2. Baker's Letting their Pinned Post get Dated

It's easy to set and forget a pinned post - and with Facebook's New Page Experience rolling out (with its fancy featured section), it's all the more important to keep this section updated. Recreate your pinned posts so the date reflects the current year - 2023 - even if it's the same exact content. It'll make your page look up-to-date (which reminds me - I need to do this myself 🙃). 

😞 3. Just Posting Photos on TikTok - no video content, no catch, no hook

Tiktokkers want one thing - video content filmed vertically - and they won't settle for less. Late 2022, TikTok gave us the (unfortunate) option to upload pictures as a slide show instead of video files. It's... well... boring, and not what the platform is intended for. So while - yes, awesome that you're getting content out there - 👀 it's a better use of time to get content that gets eyes out there. Remember, time = money!

Oh yeah - and don't forget that reach-giving hook. Hooks like, "This is the best thing I've ever heard in my entire life," "I just had the WORST experience," and "Here's something cookiers will never tell you..." are all great ways to get views (just be sure to follow up with content that matches the hype). 

😔 4. No Email Capture

What if Facebook and Instagram disappeared? Where would your business be? If you're thinkin' "up a creek sans paddle," consider creating an email capture. It's easy to do - even if you're not ready to send out emails just yet. Mailchimp allows for free account creation AND a free signup form - so you can start building that list now should Meta ever go the way of the DoDo.

😖 5. Cross-Posting with Hashtags

Facebook just can't seem to make #hashtags work, and we shouldn't try either. With apps like Facebook's free Planner (or Hootsuite, OneUp App, and Planoly), you can create content designed for the platform you are posting to. In two clicks, you can create a unique caption for the same content piece for both Instagram (a hashtag reach treasure trove) and Facebook (hashtag Sahara desert) that'll have your audience feelin' center stage and not like a posting afterthought. 

😓 6. Making Shop Links Hard to Find

Your audience ain't got the time to play hide and go seek with your website links. Making links hard to find (like putting links in Instagram captions where they're not clickable) means less money in your pocket. Telling people from a comment to go click on your website (rather than just linking to your website in that comment) is another game of "go fetch

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😧 8 Social Media Baker Faux Pas 

It's easy to get bogged down with orders and forget your social media - but not with twin2 lurkin' behind a phone screen! As she goes to engage weekly with the group hashtag, #sugarcookiemarketing, I asked her to come up with a list of the top 8 offenses she sees bakers makin' on social media that's likely robbin' from their bottom lines. 

Here goes:

😒 1. Not Putting your Location in the Instagram Bio

Check out Corrie's Instagram below (and give her a follow here) - see that? You can have your name and your location in your Instagram name - which is searchable (shout out to Kimberly for this tip) - that means not only will your handle be searchable, but any information provided in the name section of the profile as well. In this example, Corrie mentions location twice: once in the name, and again in the bio - in two differentways - her city and then the general area (Northern Virginia) to snag the attention of both her hyperlocal and broader, local audience.

🙁 2. Baker's Letting their Pinned Post get Dated

It's easy to set and forget a pinned post - and with Facebook's New Page Experience rolling out (with its fancy featured section), it's all the more important to keep this section updated. Recreate your pinned posts so the date reflects the current year - 2023 - even if it's the same exact content. It'll make your page look up-to-date (which reminds me - I need to do this myself 🙃). 

😞 3. Just Posting Photos on TikTok - no video content, no catch, no hook

Tiktokkers want one thing - video content filmed vertically - and they won't settle for less. Late 2022, TikTok gave us the (unfortunate) option to upload pictures as a slide show instead of video files. It's... well... boring, and not what the platform is intended for. So while - yes, awesome that you're getting content out there - 👀 it's a better use of time to get content that gets eyes out there. Remember, time = money!

Oh yeah - and don't forget that reach-giving hook. Hooks like, "This is the best thing I've ever heard in my entire life," "I just had the WORST experience," and "Here's something cookiers will never tell you..." are all great ways to get views (just be sure to follow up with content that matches the hype). 

😔 4. No Email Capture

What if Facebook and Instagram disappeared? Where would your business be? If you're thinkin' "up a creek sans paddle," consider creating an email capture. It's easy to do - even if you're not ready to send out emails just yet. Mailchimp allows for free account creation AND a free signup form - so you can start building that list now should Meta ever go the way of the DoDo.

😖 5. Cross-Posting with Hashtags

Facebook just can't seem to make #hashtags work, and we shouldn't try either. With apps like Facebook's free Planner (or Hootsuite, OneUp App, and Planoly), you can create content designed for the platform you are posting to. In two clicks, you can create a unique caption for the same content piece for both Instagram (a hashtag reach treasure trove) and Facebook (hashtag Sahara desert) that'll have your audience feelin' center stage and not like a posting afterthought. 

😓 6. Making Shop Links Hard to Find

Your audience ain't got the time to play hide and go seek with your website links. Making links hard to find (like putting links in Instagram captions where they're not clickable) means less money in your pocket. Telling people from a comment to go click on your website (rather than just linking to your website in that comment) is another game of "go fetch

Speaker 1:

It is the 98th podcast. 90

Speaker 2:

The big 100.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, this is now, it's just gonna be a huge letdown.<laugh>. I was gonna go through the stats. You know, like on Spotify where it does your like year end look. They actually do that for Spotify podcasts with

Speaker 2:

Spotify. Do can, do we have access to Apple Info?

Speaker 1:

You gotta look. We have access to the host account, which is Buzz Sprout. Um, but it's pretty interesting. Okay,

Speaker 2:

I'm down. I'm interested.

Speaker 1:

<laugh> I do, I'm also interested, but that will be not this week,

Speaker 2:

But the

Speaker 1:

Next little we can, it tells me downloads. How many of you listen every time? How many of you listened more than once? How many of you have listened last year and then listened again this

Speaker 2:

Year? Make your podcast poll. Ask who's listened to every episode?

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. You're right.<laugh>. Poor people, people, I have to<laugh>. Um, but welcome to the Baking It Down podcast with Sugar Cookie Marketing, where you'll find nuggets of marketing, as Corey likes to say. I love

Speaker 2:

Saying it.

Speaker 1:

What else can people find?

Speaker 2:

We on the podcast? Yes. You you took my word. Marketing nugget in life. What

Speaker 1:

Can we find in life?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

What can we find

Speaker 2:

Sadness on this podcast? We love to cover what's going on in the Facebook group because if you are not a part of the Sugar Cookie Marketing Face group, you need to go request a join in your entry question. When it says, how did you find us? Just put podcast. All it. Do you jump to the front of line? Because I feel bad that you have had to listen to us. So my, I'm sorry, is letting you in before everyone else<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. You got quite a line. It's

Speaker 2:

A little backlog.

Speaker 1:

It's not a little backlog.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot of backlog. It's about 6,600 people

Speaker 1:

Waiting to just learn is lucky. I

Speaker 2:

Read Nugget every entry question, though. Some people don't even answer'em.

Speaker 1:

Right. It's problematic. There's a lot of spam on Facebook. Don't just accept all requested members as a welcome.

Speaker 2:

And if I did that, the admin team would be like,

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Fall. This is rough. So I am, I'm worried.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'll let them in. Put podcast in your answers.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's great. So this week I said, let me ask Corey, the biggest offenses she sees Baker's make on social media that is thwarting their sales numbers. If

Speaker 2:

You, if you didn't know I am an lurker,

Speaker 1:

Corey alert everywhere.<laugh>, she is everywhere. And I think because you lurk so much doom scroll, you'll have a bit of feedback as to what you see working, what you see not working, and what are the biggest offenses that are probably robbing from the bottom line.

Speaker 2:

We'll take these with a grain of salt. I mean, marketing is my job.<laugh>. If you don't wanna run your business this way, you don't have to. But we have a list of eight. Heather, just say number one and I'll explain.

Speaker 1:

Opponent to made this list, literally three seconds before we started talking. I'm, so this wasn't<laugh>, I did write it down. She says, not putting your location in your Instagram bio.

Speaker 2:

All right. First off, if you are a business, you should have a business account. You shouldn't be working from your personal profile on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

What about our Finstas?

Speaker 2:

You can work from there.<laugh>. You can

Speaker 1:

Access full time like your stuff

Speaker 2:

From your Finsta account. Um, but you have two options that you can do under the business. Umbrella is a business account in a creator account. The creator account was actually made for people who are more of like the influencer type who don't necessarily wanna put their home in their, in their bio. But if you have a business account, you can actually put, you don't have to do your full address. Uh, you can just do like Burke, Virginia.

Speaker 1:

Would you recommend me? Okay, let's say the average cottage home Baker. Should they be categorized as business or creator?

Speaker 2:

My personal opinion is you need, you should be as a business. I know you get more sounds when you're listed as a creator. Um, but we're not really trying to do trending audio all the time. So

Speaker 1:

To explain what Corey's talking about, if you're ever into posting reels or video to Instagram, being listed

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

A business means you're likely profiting from the content you post. As such, you did not pay for the commercial license usage rights for a lot of the trending audios, which means you can't access it. The workaround is switching to a creator profile, which assumes that you're actually not making money from your content, even though most of you are. And then you get access to these commercial licenses. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>.

Speaker 2:

So the workaround, if you're like I do like the turning audio is in the creator account. You can actually see it on my profile. I have Corey Miracle, then just a line and it says Lakeridge Virginia in there. So I have my, where you can find me in two spots. Cause I have a business account in Blue it says Lakeridge, Virginia, but also where my name is. So if you wanted to stick with the creator account, you could put your location as your name in your bio.

Speaker 1:

Now I think names and handles are

Speaker 2:

Both searchable. Yeah. So I have Mixing Bowl Cookie Company, Corey Miracle in Lake Ridge, Virginia, all there listed,

Speaker 1:

Which means when somebody searches for Corey's name or searches for her company name, it's a great thing. And I gotta actually give Kimberly a shoutout for this one. When you rebranded, she immediately sent you a DM and she said, Hey, leave your old brand name as your name and then your new name as your handle. Yeah. You'll show up in searches for old people trying to find your new brand. Yeah. So I just,

Speaker 2:

I think I left it up there for about five months. Smart. And I just took it

Speaker 1:

Down. Get that audience. Yeah, you'll, when you rebrand, you'll always lose a few people. Um, just think about it. If I bought a gift from somebody,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We didn't come back for a whole year. Um, assuming that they liked the gift. Okay. That is a good one. It's a very simple fix. It is to just add your location in your Instagram bio. You don't even have to change any categories.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Honestly, just put it somewhere in there. Okay. If you wanna do it in your buyout your name or actually change to a business account, just have it somewhere. It's too, we don't wanna jump through hoops. I don't wanna have to figure out where you are. I just wanna know. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

<affirmative>. Yeah. Now do you have your full name in your I do. I like that. I do. It does add a face to a name. I know a lot of people hide their names on their business profiles. Makes you, you kind of seem like blob not, I

Speaker 2:

Think if people can't remember it, the mixing mo cookie company. Maybe they can remember Miracle

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. Maybe. Maybe. I dropped off my car at N TB yesterday. Yeah. And he was like, wow, isn't that a great last name to have? I said, sir, my car's animal line<laugh>. I don't think today's need you to be working some miracles off my tire.<laugh>. Okay. Number two, your pinned posts on either Facebook or Instagram. Look ancient is what you wrote.

Speaker 2:

It's true. So I know we've talked about this before on the podcast, but I still see it. Um, you can have a lot of great information on the pin post that you really do one up there. I encourage you to just make a new post and you're like, oh Corey, I've already, I've already made that post. And if I just make it again, I'm gonna add, I'm gonna fatigue my audience. Guess what? A post that already got you all the juice that you just posted maybe two weeks ago and it's no one's coming to it anymore. Delete your copy from there. Copy and paste the new copy and then pin one that one to the top. No one will be ending the wiser<laugh>, but it will be at the top. Now

Speaker 1:

I was listening to another podcast and I wish I could remember the lady's name. She was very eloquent. That is us, not us.<laugh> wasn't listening to us. Uh, and she said, Hey, stop pinning viral content. She

Speaker 2:

Said that. Hi, can I say I just did this for us. Okay. On Instagram, you can actually pin three reels under your reels category now. Oh, and three posts on your main

Speaker 1:

Thing. So six pin posts. Yeah, that's

Speaker 2:

What it said. Um, but on TikTok, a lot of people pin their viral videos because you wanna get even more views on it. You

Speaker 1:

May think what? I don't have a viral content. Anything that outperforms other content even in within just your Instagram profile would be considered viral to your profile.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But what you actually wanna do, no one's coming to see you. Like one viral content has us cookie baker

Speaker 1:

Man up too.

Speaker 2:

They want to know about you. If my content gives enough where they actually clicked to my profile, my pin post should be telling them about who I am and what I do and what value I bring to

Speaker 1:

Them. Let's think of that. We got six places, six pinned options. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> to,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Really create a funnel here. So what are the six pinned content types you'd probably recommend? I would

Speaker 2:

Say how to order would be a big one. What I would suggest to do, I hate<laugh>. I hate, I don't care if you do it or not. A lot of times people have a highlight and in that highlight is a bunch of like, you know, there's stories of how to order, but you have to read so much, right? Like I don't got the time to read. What

Speaker 1:

If a highlight you did real.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. What if you did a video? That would be a real and then people could just watch it and be like, in order to blank in the bio.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So on the feed posts, which are stagnant, they're um, jpeg. Yeah. That's an image. Yeah. And the reels posters are MP four s, which is a video file. I would say for these stagnant

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Probably your booked calendar of that month. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> don't make it. Look. That's a good one. I would also say upcoming events list for the month. Maybe

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Classes, uh, popups,

Speaker 2:

Farmer's markets, free sales.

Speaker 1:

And the third one maybe be a how to order, but I don't want the graphic to just be a ton of words. I want it to be something that catches the eye and the copy to be how tok. Yeah. Now in the reels, think about this. About you. You talking about your business and yourself. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, Hey,

Speaker 2:

I'm Corey. I'm in Lake Ridge, Virginia. I specialize in custom sugar cookies.

Speaker 1:

Maybe another reel about the ordering process. Hey, I just wanted to give you

Speaker 2:

A heads up. You have to book two weeks out in advance.

Speaker 1:

What happens? We go back and forth a bit. We nail down the best designs ever. And then I'll send you that invoice and then I get to shopping something that gives me peace of mind. And

Speaker 2:

I think the last one would be like, even though my pictures are pretty on here, please go check out my Facebook reviews and my Google reviews.

Speaker 1:

Ooh. Uh, you know, what's it called when you get people voting for you and it makes you feel like you should order from them?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

No, that would be validated.

Speaker 2:

Credible. Huh? Credible.

Speaker 1:

Credible is very close to the word. I'm

Speaker 2:

Incredible. Very. I don't

Speaker 1:

Remember what the word is. Well, you know, when you reinforce the belief that you're trustworthy and you post reviews and it's a fancy buzzword and I can't remember, so we're gonna sound un fancying kind

Speaker 2:

Of friendly. All right. Validating. No, no. That's not even close to the word. Credible. Hold on. Credentials.

Speaker 1:

Nope.<laugh>, we're

Speaker 2:

Still very close to the word. Credible<laugh>. Okay,

Speaker 1:

Moving along. That is a good one. Now, now let me throw this in. A lot of us have rolled over into the new page experience on Facebook. It's weird.

Speaker 2:

Rolled everything over. It's

Speaker 1:

Weirdly great. It's hard, hard to get you

Speaker 2:

To, can I say I do like it. You're an

Speaker 1:

Upper five today and I'm feeling it. Thanks.

Speaker 2:

It's good. I got my new pair of on clouds<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Remember Corey? You got the 150. Okay, I wanna let you guys know I did go by the, she did listen. Influence and gave me a BIE whiskey, but I'm powering through it. Look at my Nissan.

Speaker 2:

Is that, did you wear the en clouds

Speaker 1:

Today? No. I gotta let the blister

Speaker 2:

Heal. You can't just go back to back Blist. Cause wore a brand new pair of shoes on like a 50 mile walk. You can't do that. You gotta stand around the house a little bit and

Speaker 1:

Crazy and you know, okay, here's the thing. By the time the BBL shows,

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Already far

Speaker 2:

From home.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Limping back. Yep. I'm

Speaker 2:

Li<laugh>, I'm limp. I'm dragged my left leg behind.

Speaker 1:

Try not to use it. And you know when you ever have that thought, like, should I walk barefoot home? But then the little rock pebbles,

Speaker 2:

It's freezing outside. He's very nice. Your little, your little toy boths. Haven't seen a grass blade or a little tiny rock in the ears.<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

They have seen a baby

Speaker 2:

Foot pass though.<laugh>. So

Speaker 1:

On cloud, thank, I think I did tell Gams indeed about it. Yeah. Is our aunt, uh, they were enamored with the refund story. I know

Speaker 2:

A free shipping came in record time.

Speaker 1:

You know who I didn't tell'em about? Uhuh keyless entry. Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Listen. Which I still haven't had a resolution on.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Uh, this is your number three. I think this is a big one. Just posting photos on TikTok, not posting video content. No catch, no hook. And then there's just a word. No

Speaker 2:

<laugh>. It's a big thing to know what your audience requires on different social medias. It, while you can post our great staged photos onto TikTok, that is not what TikTok wants to consume. They want to consume videos with hooks

Speaker 1:

Vertically filmed videos with hooks. And I'm gonna put through in a 60 seconds. I know you can do up to 10 minutes now. My

Speaker 2:

Husband was like, why are you talking so fast in all of your reels? Are you trying to get under a certain Absolutely. I said, it has to be under 60 seconds. And he was like, you don't breathe

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. Cory Sa That's the funny thing. What Cory's talking about is Instagram reels. TikTok has a more loose time constraint.

Speaker 2:

But I will say a lot of people don't wanna consume long form content

Speaker 1:

On there. No, I don't. I love it. But if I get to a TikTok and someone's like, here's five things you should never do when you walk on the moon. Hi, my name is Moonwalk. I'm like, ah, well you lost me at your

Speaker 2:

Intro. This is a good hook. Starts off with a list. Can be a good hook. The hook's

Speaker 1:

Great is the intro. Thats

Speaker 2:

Me. You what they want you to do. Instead of like, hi, I'm Corey with the Mixing Bowl cookie company here in Lake Ridge. They want your video be so good that you click to my profile and I always read my bail and go to my pin post to find out who I am.

Speaker 1:

You can see it. It's a also a symptom on not only TikTok, but also Reddit threads when a thread or post goes viral. And then the next post where you're trying to get as an audience more context. And it starts with really didn't think this would go by. Well, really crazy. Thank you guys so much.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Don't care. I don't, I'm I'm at this point I'm extremely nosy.

Speaker 2:

Yes. Yeah. So it's really having a strategy in place while you're like, no, I'm checking the box and I'm posting to TikTok like you told me to. I'd rather you skip doing that strategy. Because when people pass over your content, it's telling the algorithm this content isn't good. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, I want people to stay and mingle with your content versus just posting up photos because that's all

Speaker 1:

You have. Keep in mind, while what comprises these algorithms is way advanced, more advanced than Corey and my little pea brains could understand, but it's also secretive. Things that they do say indicate that content is worth watching is how long somebody watches the content. Yeah. And

Speaker 2:

You can see how

Speaker 1:

They touch the content. Do you like it? Do you save it? Yeah. Do you share it? Um, do you how quickly you scroll past that content? Yeah. And all this stuff. That's what the hook does is to try to get people to stay just a little longer. Yeah. If you're not familiar with Facebook ads, there's an even an ad targeting option that's if they watched more than three seconds of the intro and that shows Yeah. That Facebook, these platforms are watching everything you do and it's watching everything your audience is doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I mean you can overplay a hook, but a hook if you just want an example would be like five things that went wrong for me today. And number four is gonna blow your mind. Now you're gonna see that and

Speaker 1:

Seawalk, you're gonna stay

Speaker 2:

To hear what happened with number four. Or just a lot of people do a day in the life of like, you don't have enough content to talk about what you're doing. But people will stay tuned for a day in the life of Baker never even knew what Bakers do all day. So I'll stay in luck at that. But that is content that is visual, um, that people can interact with. So I highly suggest giving the content that's required for that platform to that platform.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Hooks, don't overthink what hooks are. Hey, add the, the worst thing happened to me today is a hook. What does that sound? I think

Speaker 2:

It is a trash track. The trash

Speaker 1:

Truck. My goodness.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's definitely the trash track. He's getting ready to, he's got the Graber out and that thing is,

Speaker 1:

Oh is this the automated one? Yeah. Where the grabber

Speaker 2:

Doesn't work. It does. It

Speaker 1:

Does. The thing will swing that trash

Speaker 2:

Around. Oh wow. It's so aggressive. So

Speaker 1:

Aggressive. Back

Speaker 2:

To hooks. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of hooks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah.<laugh>. Wonder

Speaker 1:

The trash.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Uh, but yeah, don't overthink hooks. Think of stuff that stops your skull. If you can audibly hear it, that would be the hook. So anything that starts, you know, obviously the things that I'm interested Uhhuh,<affirmative> or anything that's like, you won't believe this. This is crazy. A weird hook that works and I kind of hate it is watch till the end.

Speaker 2:

You know when I see that now nothing I read, I will scroll. Yeah. You don't tell me what to do. I'll watch it. I want

Speaker 1:

To. Yeah. Right. I agree. Okay. Number four, no email capture.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. If Facebook goes down and you don't have an email, remember that day? Yeah. And a lot of people are like, I'm s Sol.

Speaker 1:

Right. Podcast.

Speaker 2:

Podcast. What does it mean? How of luck? Oh it does. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

What do you think of it? Sure.

Speaker 2:

Luck. Okay. Someone

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. I didn't

Speaker 2:

Know. I thought it was actually like a good English term.

Speaker 1:

<laugh> I'm just sold

Speaker 2:

Today.<laugh>. Sorry guys. Okay,

Speaker 1:

So no email captured. Now it is. You can do email capture as a link in bio if you're like, well then I don't have a website right now. You could use a job form to collect emails, but you can also use Link Tree to connect to mail chimps signup forms, which are technically free. And it's a great way to build a list directly to your email sender. So when they go to your signup form, it'll just say signup here to get an email. And it adds it to the list ready to tee up when you wanna send that email. Even if you're like, well Heather, this one doesn't apply to me. I don't do email marketing. No, but you will in time with good marketing sense, you will make time to start sending emails are great

Speaker 2:

Way. Emails are one of the highest converting things

Speaker 1:

When it comes to, I bought something today from an email.

Speaker 2:

What did you buy?

Speaker 1:

You're gonna judge me A Shakti headband Heather. A shocky mat stop

Speaker 2:

Has a head. Like does it go on the front of your head? You're gonna dots in your head.

Speaker 1:

Oh absolutely. Oh, if you've ever laid on Shakti mat, it's just dots everywhere.

Speaker 2:

But I feel like you don't wanna have dots in your head.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday I had a headache probably cuz I walked a ton. You know what? And I laid on the Shakti pillow, which she asked about that too. And it really did relieve

Speaker 2:

The headache because you had more pain in the back of your head.

Speaker 1:

Yes. That's how it works.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Shine me out. I'm gonna strap myself and

Speaker 2:

But an email capture is correct.<laugh>,

Speaker 1:

When was the last time you bought something from an email?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I check emails all the time. Yeah, all the

Speaker 1:

Time. I unsubscribed from them. But I'm also checking them as I unsubscribe and then I'll sign up this new one.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes there's a list. I was, Sephora emailed me and I just went to the Sephora sign and just started adding to card<laugh>. I didn't check out though.<laugh><laugh>.

Speaker 1:

I just felt rich for a second. I love to go to Etsy emails and add stuff to car and then I

Speaker 2:

Leave<laugh>. And I know it doesn't always feel naturally like, can I have your email? What have I watch? But what I saw someone do in the cookie college a couple weeks ago was they did a contest. If you sign up for my email list today, one person who signs up, it's gonna get a free dozen cookies or a free d i y kit. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Heather thinks I said di i y is d yi.

Speaker 1:

I felt like my, it's almost a Dewey<laugh>. A Dewey Kit. Dewey kit. Just watching your mouth. Diy. It's cuz they say it's diy di<laugh> di at diag. Um, number five, cross posting from Instagram to Facebook and still including hashtags.

Speaker 2:

We have talked about this before, but Facebook and Instagram actually make it super easy. Sometimes I accidentally do it, but it's cuz it toggles it now it's once

Speaker 1:

You, the toggling is destroying people. Yeah, it

Speaker 2:

Is. But what we don't want you to do is post what you post it to Instagram, to Facebook. Because when I see that wall of 30 hashtags, nothing tells me that the business owner has checked out more than a small caption. Three dots and 30 hashtags.

Speaker 1:

<laugh>, I would almost say this. Let me be so

Speaker 2:

Bold. Be so bold.

Speaker 1:

Natively post to Facebook and then crosspost Instagram. Yeah. That and add your, if

Speaker 2:

You're not, add your hashtags. I

Speaker 1:

But if you're gonna be like, hey, I'm just, yeah, you're like, I don't even care about hashtags.<laugh> starting with Instagram and cross-posting it to Facebook with a pasted wall of irrelevant hashtags and then the periods to add the weird line breaks. Like the, those periods used to be an old style of line breaks. You don't need to do those

Speaker 2:

Anyway. Yeah. They did it with a couple years ago. They did away with it. So when I see it, I'm like, oh, there's so many

Speaker 1:

Doubts. Travel back in tie<laugh>. So nothing screams, I'm not really on Facebook right now. Like the line break line break line break and then a wall of hashtags. Now with the new page experience, I really doubt that hashtags will still hit.

Speaker 2:

No, they

Speaker 1:

Do Okay in groups, but I don't think hashtags in the general stage search on

Speaker 2:

Facebook, just, I think they're, they're hit or miss. If they were, they

Speaker 1:

Do really well on Instagram. They just don't do it Well for sure on Facebook. I don't see it changing anytime soon either. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well you went into post from Facebook's planner. Yeah. Into and post both there. I

Speaker 1:

I think planner

Speaker 2:

Now the planner. Do you see what the planner does now? It says now you can do individual content for both. Perfect. Yeah. So you and and if you didn't know, you can actually do

Speaker 1:

Your hashtag can save it more time. Yeah. And you can create this first post to post both. Yeah. So you make this Yes. Then toggle it on and then add the uniqueness to the right. But it'll have already pasted

Speaker 2:

In the original context. Yep. And if you even want to save more time. Okay. Take, go to your notes, put your little hashtags in there. Yes. And then copy and paste it. You can put it in the comments section of Instagram. It still works.

Speaker 1:

Now what do you think? 15 hashtags? 30 hashtags, three

Speaker 2:

Hashtags. You know, I al I did a test using two hashtags and 15 hashtags. The more hashtags did get me more reach.

Speaker 1:

Now is it more targeted reach? It's

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

As targeted. Here's that weird thing. And and that's the algorithmic debate. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> is more, reach better in reaching the audience that you even wanna sell to.

Speaker 2:

There's a whole hashtag strategy in the cookie college where I really dive in deep to having a good mixture of the two.

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm. I mean 10, 10 and tens. I mean we have 30 hashtags you can use now. I

Speaker 2:

Would rather you have more local hashtags that aren't dead hashtags. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> and then sprinkle in some of those popular cookie hashtags just to get the likes from

Speaker 1:

Them. Should we then sprinkle in some content specific hashtags?

Speaker 2:

I, I think content specific ones do well. Um, but someone would have to be looking for, so if I did a Valentine's Day cookies,

Speaker 1:

Let's say you did a, a Valentine's Day cooking. I have Corgi in it. I would wanna,

Speaker 2:

I would say hashtag Corgi cookies. Yeah. So if someone's

Speaker 1:

Instagram I'm sure is something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But what I'm tr probably helping, cuz that's how I search for inspo<laugh>

Speaker 1:

Is like I look up

Speaker 2:

Corgis cookies and I was like, oh that's a good one. But I'm another cookie

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. Oh. That's when somebody had written in the baking group, they were looking for inspo. I think it was a cake, not a cookie, but someone was like, just search the

Speaker 2:

Hashtag. Yeah. Um, but a lot of people aren't using those hashtags correctly. So you only have like five queries on the quarry.

Speaker 1:

Hashtag I mean, at the end of the day, we can only do with what we have.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But I like to do some that are tailored to what I'm doing.

Speaker 1:

Keep in mind people, if there's no hashtags on your content, it is unsearchable,

Speaker 2:

It is uncertain. The only the people who follow you are the only people who can

Speaker 1:

See it. That is So if you were like, I would like more reach, you're gonna have to use a hashtag. Oh no,

Speaker 2:

I like that in hashtag I mean it's annoying to type out every single time Apple doesn't save my past use hashtags.

Speaker 1:

You know what, um, Andra, who we went to lunch with. Yeah. A couple weeks ago. She posted photos that she took with an iPhone.

Speaker 2:

Amazing. I

Speaker 1:

Gotta say, I said, girl, what, what Canon product?<laugh>. And she was like, Anthem 50 million. Yes.<laugh>. I said, wow. That's impressive. Wow. The, the blur, the focus, the

Speaker 2:

Colors. I'm gonna have to play around with this sucker. Really, really play with that.

Speaker 1:

I mean she was outside on a very bright day, so she had a plenty of light, but it was pictures of kids with eating those lollipop cookies sticks thing. I was like, wow, that's impressed me and Miss Sam son will zoom in on the moon.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. The new Samsung is like, you can zoom in. Yeah. What

Speaker 2:

The pimple that you're not

Speaker 1:

Hiding on my face. Uh, you have number six making links to buy. Very hard to find. Now I think this is a Facebook offense. Instagram already makes it hard to

Speaker 2:

Find. Well Instagram we only got one link Bio. I wanna say folks who put their link in the post on Instagram, no one can click it and I can't

Speaker 1:

Copy. Not even in a comment to

Speaker 2:

The link. Can't, can't even copy and paste it.

Speaker 1:

If the link does not exist in your bio. It is unlikable on that app. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> unlink. I think

Speaker 2:

You can do it in your stores too.

Speaker 1:

But if I'm

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah. Consuming your information via the feed. I don't wanna go searching. Don't send me to your stories to watch a book. Have

Speaker 1:

It in both places. Yeah. Have it. So if you say, well I only get one link on Instagram, where should I link it to? That's where Link Tree, and I think you and I use Surey help. They are are essentially, uh, online menus. Uh, not food menus. Sounds delicious though.<laugh>, but like directories. So, so say if I wanted to send someone to my custom order page or my cookie classes page mm-hmm.<affirmative>, I have two links there. So I would use something like Shorey or Link Tree and it would open up and they could choose which one versus just sending them to one or the other and Right. So a lot of times when you're on Instagram and someone says, uh, you know, where did you get this? And they'll say, it's my links in my bio. Then you'll go to that link tree and then they should have it highlighted. Yeah. Especially if a content type is going viral. I do see a lot of cookers put the link in an Instagram caption. Not only work there like that is nobody, nobody let me stress you. No one someones going over. Right. No. Could you imagine? Yeah. Typing an entire ui. No, I would've to go back and forth<laugh>. Oh absolutely. I would Fating or something. I guarantee it. I already fating the things I wanna look up. Um, so when we go to now you say, okay, well they're just talking about Instagram. I'm actually talking about Facebook care. So what I see happen, especially with presales, presales is people will be like, does anybody wanna buy this? And people are like, I'm super excited to buy this. And then you're like, look for another post down the road. Yeah. With the links on how to buy this. Yeah. So okay, you've already got their reach. Then you make the second post and you're like, nobody bought. Right. They didn't see it. They were still on the old post. Yeah. And then you go and then you say to people in the comments, let's pretend somebody's like, well I'm interested by this. And you say, look for the link coming out soon. They're not looking, they're not too busy trying to take pictures of the, you had their attention for those five seconds and you lost it. Right. So you can say, Heather, well I accidentally already posted my pretrial. What do I do? Go back to that post. And with everybody who said they're interested, I want you to paste in that link. I want you to paste in that link with a little bit of copy saying, Hey Susan, I know you said you're interested. I have finally launched a product. Here's a direct link. Yeah. You don't even have to, sometimes people are when again, two links to purchase, right? Mm-hmm.<affirmative> two, I'm sorry. Two clicks to purchase. Yes. Two links make really long<laugh>. Two clicks to purchase. Uh, first let them click to your website, make that directly to the product. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And then the next click add to cart. Yeah. Don't make him jumping through hoops. Don't make me go to your landing pages and scroll down past your book to calendar to find this class. Then click to the class. And then I have to read your class copy. And then I have to click here to find the specific class. Yeah. And then I, that's so many. You see you're taking too many seconds away from'em. We are a microwave mindset people. We want things in 20 seconds or less. Right. So if you can give people the directest link to the product that you're flirting around with, that is going to convert a lot higher than making us go. And then just sending'em to your website and be like, have a, you know, it's a corn. Choose your, choose your own journey. Where they find the cookie. Oh, will they be lost forever? If it may. If you make, that's why I hope everyone realizes why Amazon is so dangerous to your wallet is because it's so easy. Lexus. Like just, just say buy it

Speaker 2:

And then, then I'll choose something off of your

Speaker 1:

Save list. No,

Speaker 2:

What are you, what are you

Speaker 1:

Choosing?<laugh>. It'll show like the most expensive way because Okay, think about this. A big, big, big feature of Instagram is that it's extremely searchable. So back to the en clouds. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, uh, I want you, what do you think I typed in to find a sock with the back higher,

Speaker 2:

Higher sock.

Speaker 1:

Back higher sock rope<laugh>. And it came up with the socks that had the back heel part. Higher<laugh>. I don't even know the words to use today.<laugh>. But because of maybe

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Sock. I didn't want an ankle sock. You know they have it. We're just calf sock. No, I don't want a calf sock. I want an ankle back higher sock. Uh, but because Instagram or because Amazon makes it so simple to search makes it very intuitive. So if I type in a very weird set of keywords, uhhuh, it can still likely pair me up with the product I'm searching for Uhhuh<affirmative>. And then it has buy now with one click. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You did say Instagram right before you said that.

Speaker 1:

I'm I'm all over

Speaker 2:

Them. Huh? You really are

Speaker 1:

All over the map with my new hat back socks.

Speaker 2:

<laugh>. But making it easier allows people not to have buyers' remorse<laugh> because you bought it. Yeah. And you don't get to talk yourself out of it. Um, I love when something's

Speaker 1:

Like, you know what's coming out? What? Amazon Prime buttons on non-Amazon sites. Wow. Yeah. So Prime buys you that quick click in protection on sites, not Amazon.

Speaker 2:

TikTok I watched today talking about Amazon Prime. This man says that his elderly parents don't have Amazon Prime or Amazon. They just sent him what, what they kind of want. He orders it and sent it to their house when they were looking at something. It was$42 when he went and searched the same item on his Amazon PRI account because they don't have prime, it was$5 less. Mm-hmm. So it's almost like the incentive to keeping

Speaker 1:

Primes it's cheaper. Also the fast shipping gams makes me

Speaker 2:

Do now they're doing away with fast shipping though. Yeah. Okay. I know it's

Speaker 1:

Still fast. I I dig. Get my ankle back. High socks quickly.<laugh>. I

Speaker 2:

Feel like I've never gotten something that's taken like forever, but I always look for the prime sign.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I mean Amazon has gotten online ordering as close to instant gratification as

Speaker 2:

Possible. You know what Ashley said? And I kind of agree with her about Amazon. She says, I will not buy makeup from Amazon. Cause that feels like it sat on a shelf for about five

Speaker 1:

Years. Well that's the doubt that was implemented when people started saying, hey the consistency, the colors are different across these place. I agree. As if Sephora's

Speaker 2:

Like we just remember when I bought that Dr. Jart summers, I ordered it and I said Wow, this stuff is not absorbing into my face. But you loved it.

Speaker 1:

But, but we went and Summer's consistency was so

Speaker 2:

Different. Yeah. But then

Speaker 1:

I went to Aveda and the Chapstick one is gritty and one is not. Huh? It's not. You just don't know. You just don't know. But once you get that little seated doubt. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Now I hard order. Like I don't want this makeup that's been sitting out for.

Speaker 1:

Okay so this vir, this product that's been on, I like the skincare subreddit, but I've been on the skincare sub it for years and years. Uhhuh<affirmative>. They like this snail mucin. Yeah. It's become Course

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

However I've had it for years. You

Speaker 2:

Don't use it.

Speaker 1:

I used it for years.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Still use it? Absolutely. Maybe you love it. Yeah. I don't know what's doing for you. I don't know. Nothing we<laugh>. I just like to believe it works. So Ashley gets hit in a viral TikTok course. Rx. Yeah. This snail musin thing. If you're wondering if it has snail jelly, it's absolutely from snails. Ew. Gross. Right? I don't know. It doesn't smell like anything. I

Speaker 2:

Think they need to change the name. If they change the name to gel moisturizer, I'd be like, yeah

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. Uh, but Ashley's like, yeah, I don't wanna order from Amazon. I feel like it's gonna be like this sitting on the thing. But I've only ever ordered from Amazon for you. That's why it hasn't worked for you.

Speaker 2:

You look old

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. The snails are old<laugh> um, wild product. But, okay. So making links hard to find. Think of Amazon. If you can channel your inner Amazon and realize how simple, if you look at an Amazon sales page, a product page Uhhuh it is the ultimate squeeze page and my, they call'em squeeze pages cuz it's squeezing the money outta your wallet.<laugh> as you rolled out first you get a bunch of photos. Yeah. The photos explained that the product is, you get a breakdown of the unit pro at the very top. You get the reviews, which I always Yeah. Love it on the little star thing. Then you get a q and a section, you get similar products and now they have that comparison section. Yeah. This product compared against others. I know. Skip past that one. I've already on the product. And then we go down to the reviews where people put pictures. I I love the pictures and it tells you did this person buy a verified s

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I love, I love that. I don't know if they're verified but I love seeing the

Speaker 1:

Verified times. No clue. But I really, I will say I am very swayed by the review section on Amazon. If you just

Speaker 2:

Don't know, if you have over 4,000 reviews, I'm gonna buy you regardless of how your one stars look.

Speaker 1:

<laugh> at the top, if there's any coupons, it's highlighting green. You know, find a checkout

Speaker 2:

$5 click here.

Speaker 1:

It really helps me convert. And then you can have the subscribe and save, which you never do. I never do. I like the thought of it.

Speaker 2:

I don't want something coming at me if I don't know I'm gonna like it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Right. But look at that whole Amazon page has is very easy to order. I even think the buy now button, if you're on desktop, scroll it down with you like first. Oh let's down<laugh> to see if you now you're right. Sure. Um, so yeah. Really interesting product. And then you get the product description and in the descriptions it can write very compelling copy depending on the seller. Yeah. Interesting stuff for sure. Interesting. Uh, so can channel your inner bazos when you're writing your sales pages, you know, what are people interested in? They're not likely interested in you if they're about to make a purchase for a cookie class. They're interested in what the cookie class has first. Yeah. So

Speaker 2:

Instead of being like, I started teaching cookie classes year long time

Speaker 1:

Ago and it's like gleam in my mother's eye, what they

Speaker 2:

Wanna say is, you're gonna have a blast on Saturday. We're making six cookies. You're gonna look like a pro

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. Right. And yeah, exactly. And here's what you're gonna get. What you know, what are Yes. Um, number seven Instagram bios that say fully booked but they're out of date.

Speaker 2:

You guys are sleeping on your bed.<laugh>, when I'm doing my lurking session, I'll go to click over to see what's in your bio and it'll be like, go till December 31st, 2022. But like, we're at the end of January<laugh>. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

2022 is a world away from me.

Speaker 2:

It's so easy to forget about a bio bio. So don't feel bad on yourself. Um, because there's nothing alerting you to like pay up, come to your

Speaker 1:

The cookie college and was like, you have the old prices.

Speaker 2:

Shame you.

Speaker 1:

We fix that. But thank you.

Speaker 2:

I feel like you had it wrong in the PowerPoint yesterday as well. No I didn't.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

Nice. I

Speaker 1:

Your eye looking at the

Speaker 2:

Major<laugh>. But having your bio up to date is makes you look like a present business owner and it really provides confidence into your end user being like, oh, this person, they're here. They're gonna take my money and not run

Speaker 1:

With it. Right now. I'll, I'll tell on myself the sugar cookie classes website out of dates still all 2022 stuff. I, I know, I know. I'm leav. I'm leaving my end table. Do me saying not as but

Speaker 2:

The sugar cookie classes. Instagram. Oh you look stellar man.

Speaker 1:

Still looks

Speaker 2:

Great. I'm growing our local audience there. One account

Speaker 1:

On a time. See it. Promoted on, promoted on, promoted

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That's the question leave promoted on. I just

Speaker 2:

Leave it right now cuz it does bring attention

Speaker 1:

To it. If I go to a common section and it's a hundred percent promoted on, I think the, it's

Speaker 2:

Cuz I've sing a Virginia hashtag.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I know I need to, it's called my local

Speaker 1:

Audience. I think. I think so many promoted on people are using that hashtag that people are stopping to use it.

Speaker 2:

We'll have to find which one.

Speaker 1:

Well, whatever. It's a cookie class is not rocket science. Hey,

Speaker 2:

It's cookie style

Speaker 1:

<laugh> number eight. A big one for me. Even though this is Corey's list come inconsistency in posting

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It is, it is hard to get busy and forget about social media because you are like Heather, I'm dedicated to fulfilling my orders to the best of my ability. However, nothing screams warning. Don't buy like somebody who hasn't posted to their Instagram in a really long time and suddenly gets crazy. Yeah. And posts a ton. Uhhuh.<affirmative> makes me feel like you're going to do a disappearing act. Houdini style. Yeah. Again. Again. And will I get my order now? A lot of times we see the results of inconsistent posting in the sugar cookie marketing group. When people say, I made a post. I don't think anyone's seeing it. Yeah. You hadn't made a post for two months before. Nobody's seeing it now.<laugh> Instagram wants to reward content creators. Mm-hmm. And content creators need to post consistently.

Speaker 2:

I will say on

Speaker 1:

Facebook, and I know Heather

Speaker 2:

Spoke on it once

Speaker 1:

I was

Speaker 2:

Posting, I always post consistently. But my consistently see it looks a little different. Corey<laugh>. I am trying to help these people. Anyways, Facebook said you've unlocked extra reach. Yeah. Because you had higher engagement.

Speaker 1:

I saw that. Really? I don't know the work though. You know what? I was reading an article. Facebook meta. The platform is hemorrhaging so many people that they've signed a$10 million contract, which is not a lot. Yeah, I know. With Buzzfeed to kind of pay into more content creation. Because remember the heyday of

Speaker 2:

Facebook, the Buzzfeed is So to

Speaker 1:

Take this quiz to see which french fry type

Speaker 2:

You are. Yes. My, my mother-in-law still doesn't

Speaker 1:

Yeah. They want them to bring back their user base<laugh>.

Speaker 2:

But it was so great.

Speaker 1:

They're like, this is my marble color. Uh, my, my mother-in-law will rejoice<laugh>. She, she loved those quizzes.

Speaker 3:

<laugh>, she's so sad. Sagittarius<laugh>. Which sex Sisters from<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

But I'm the one with the dog.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I never watched a joke. You didn't? No. Oh. So never. Never. Maybe you should consider it. It's a great like let have the same shows. Like I don't never watched the Office. I did never watched Sexy. But you watch Are we allowed to say that? I don't know Sol

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. I

Speaker 1:

Didn't watch. Honestly no. Weren't I saw the other day and I haven't seen it in so long. PPG 13. It is. Okay. G Kick. Remember we sit with your kick. No. That Yes. Yeah. Back in the day. Yeah. No I think people switched to WhatsApp. Yeah, I saw by meta. I dunno what happened at Kick Get bought out Kick. No, I literally never had a kick profile. We said what's your kick kick? K I k What? What? And then what happens at the end after this? I think

Speaker 3:

It was like a Google me. Google it. Give you a kick.<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

I think someone gave the gift with the handle you give'em to communicate Kick. Yeah, I think so. You had a kick. I've I

Speaker 3:

Had a break kick cause I never gave a kick out

Speaker 1:

Messaging and

Speaker 3:

Chat.<laugh>, what's your kick<laugh>?

Speaker 1:

Uh, in the cookie college. Uh, somebody said, Hey, could somebody help me identify what's decorating this cake? It was a cake question. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> and then, and it was an MTV themed cake. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And I'm looking at it and you know the picture is pixelated but she's like, I don't know what this stuff is. Yeah. So I said, a floppy this, a cd.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Like, thanks so much. I was born in 1998. I

Speaker 3:

Dunno how all this stuff is. I said, well<laugh>, why

Speaker 1:

It Egg Pet

Speaker 3:

Also call a Tom got<laugh>. I told Arch,

Speaker 1:

I said our, my phone used to light up to my ring tone.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You remember when you had ring backs? Oh yeah. Where you could call somebody saw I so wanted it to be like a Britney Spears song, but I knew we'd get in there. Me, me, me, me, me and then the Game. Nick<laugh>. That was the only game. Me and Heather had flip phones and I was on it all the time. One day I got that bill up so high. Yeah. It was 10 cents a text. Uhhuh,<affirmative>, nothing I was saying unless was worth this. Remember when they can send you a text after a certain hour and it would be free. I think it was after eight hit. Yeah. Back when we had those ones with the little color in the corner, the flip phone, the silver one. Yeah, I remember that one. Yeah. But after a certain hour. Cause I said to Noah McCloskey, you can only touch Funny. They were outta network. Oh yeah. Out network.

Speaker 3:

That was such a big deal. Like what's your<laugh>? So remember right?

Speaker 1:

Ah, yeah. Corey and I, you and I started on at and t together. Oh remember when I had the orange icon? Looked like an ex. Yeah. Yeah. That's where we started. Wow. Man, me and Heather had those little chocolate phones if you know, you know, I thought it was so cool I could type even you at my fingers. I had like a reddish one. Yeah. And I had the green one. Yeah. Oh I could text from my pocket. Uhhuh a whole long conversation. Yeah. But this was old style keyboards. It's not the keyboards of today. Oh. Press a three times to get C. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Wow. It was a different world then. It was a different one when you had phone charms.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I was<laugh> wore away. It was all just so

Speaker 1:

When you used to get phones, they'd come in with the thing you could put on your belt and

Speaker 3:

Connection from Did you

Speaker 1:

Came doesn't know you. Did you put it on your belt? No, but I never threw it

Speaker 3:

Away.<laugh>. I was like, I feel like you were nerdy enough to put it on your belt.<laugh>. We went to the same school. Five. I love my loved it. I always got it taken away. That was the, your

Speaker 1:

Birthday day and you wake up and there's like 30 texts like happy birthday.

Speaker 3:

I know. Birthday. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Now it's my birthday. We were

Speaker 3:

Like on Facebook, h hpd<laugh>

Speaker 1:

Good. Solid times, salad times. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Of course my parents are just old enough not to really get phones. So Cory get in trouble. And uh, we were twins so she, I would look down, you know, like the little balconys and houses. Yeah. And I, Corey would give you this look. It's the same look she gives me in a cookie class and

Speaker 3:

Somebody ri look, take

Speaker 1:

Two and I'd be, I'd go to her phone and I would text everybody to contact. Do not text this number. Do not. Then

Speaker 3:

I clear out all the texts. Always

Speaker 1:

My mom be like, bring

Speaker 3:

My card.

Speaker 1:

Do, do the second look. Of course nothing was said. It was like a confirmation.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Like did you click<laugh>?

Speaker 1:

Of course All the texts are like, what

Speaker 3:

Are you eating?<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Sorry for that blast from

Speaker 3:

The past. Sorry.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, we left off a inconsistency. I don't know how Oh yeah. Mtv. So being

Speaker 3:

Consistent in your marketing is good.<laugh> don't forget my first, first

Speaker 1:

A great way to be consistent is using these apps like planner. I can't begin to stress to you how much of the workload it takes off. If you can set one creative work, uh, creative flow, when you get in a flow right. Buzzword, uh, it really helps that your creative brain is dialed in. So for one or two hours you can build out a whole month of content in a flow state. Yeah. And then just go back to your un flow

Speaker 3:

State. And I will say these holidays are every single year<laugh>. If you know you're gonna be busy on Valentine's Day week, let's plan a weekend. They're not gonna jump in at you.<laugh>. One

Speaker 1:

Thing I wanted to mention, these first three months, it's always weird. Now I've been doing this for enough years. Yeah. That I can see that these first three months trip people up for more than one reason. It's because Christmas was so crazy. And it is every year. It is. It's, it is 10 x, 10 x what happens in January 10

Speaker 3:

X. So you feel<laugh> 10<laugh> grand<laugh>.

Speaker 1:

You feel that January is a failure. You feel like your audience is gone. No, no, no. We just fell back to what is the average of the industry. Yes. And it, it ticks up throughout the year. A

Speaker 3:

Little bit dry in July,<laugh> July. Everyone yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. But what happens is in the first three months, the holidays fall on the half of the month. It does. So what don't you see right now, almost last day of January. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> is, people are like my ho my Valentine's Day sales are not good. No, no, no. The audience hasn't locked into Valentine's Day yet. We were used to people pre-ordering a month out from Christmas, a month out from Thanksgiving and Halloween. Now we are in these weird half holidays cuz it was saying Q4 holidays fought the last day of each month. So we have October 1st, last Thursday, November, November, which Black Friday's the next day. Yeah. And then December and um, you're right, no, whatever the new year exploding one<laugh> and then we go into January where there's kind of no major. You have a month and a half for till the next major cookie holiday. But your wallets saying like, look at the draw movie

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And then all of a sudden we get Valentine's Day, which is a nice little bump, but it is a last minute holiday day. Ask Wegmans how it knows when it reprises those long stem roses. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And then we, after February it gets kind of dry again and then we got some things in March. But it's hit or miss of Europe. Right. But again, halfway through March. Yeah. And halfway through April and halfway through May, these are the halfway through is make if the month prior feel like does last month. I love that people are deciding,

Speaker 2:

Like right now they just figured out that the, what's the big game in the football? The Super

Speaker 3:

Bowl<laugh>, the big game in the football Super Bowl, those Valentine's Day on the same week. So they're like, what do I do? What do I do?<laugh>, she's the one that's gonna give you the most catch<laugh>. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

But uh, yeah, it's very interesting. Very interesting. For sure. So sorry, be consistent. Be consistent.

Speaker 3:

<laugh> on the field and live

Speaker 1:

<laugh> and go to

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Uh, but that takes us through Corey's eight big social media snafu, social

Speaker 2:

Media, bow pun,

Speaker 1:

However. Okay, so G February one is what? Thursday? Wednesday is that tomorrow? Oh my goodness. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

I know that cuz I'd got my child support payment yesterday.

Speaker 3:

<laugh>, we're gonna

Speaker 1:

Spend this out. My kids see you. Kids gonna get some of these, those. Um, but February one is when I think a lot and, and I know you're thinking like no Targets been celebrating Valentine's Day since mid-December. Yeah. A lot of the people aren't. That's not, that's people kind. Right. Size inventory

Speaker 3:

Cookie is rating a dollar spot. Yeah. Major

Speaker 1:

Corporations are also trying to move product as well. But our consumer is just coming off of, uh, dry January is a sad month. It's where you're gonna pay back your bills from Christmas. Our older sister's birthday is January 15th and she is, she makes us, she says, everyone get your attitude right. Yeah. I wanna smiles, I want good gifts. I don't want some cast off Christmas. Crap<laugh>. So she makes us, and I can tell you cuz she's so used to us being like,

Speaker 3:

Here's your crap.

Speaker 1:

<laugh>, here's, sorry, it's in Christmas. Happy

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. I had it left over.

Speaker 1:

Uh, so yeah, your audience is doing the same thing. So here is an email. It's not a question. It's actually a great reference. Just booing around here, just booing around. Kim says, I just discovered you in the podcast. And at this point she was on episode 32. It's actually on January 15th, which is Ashley's birthday. Wow. We were trying to get in the spirit noise, but I thought her email is interesting. She said, I'm sure if you reply to this email, I'll hear about it in six months.<laugh>. So she said, you just advocated in this podcast episode 32 for posting and emailing to an annoyance level. And of course all calves you're so right. Kim email me anytime. Even in six months. She said, I'm a shoe person and I only wore three inch stilettos. It was my signature. The girl with the shoes. Then Facebook shows me an ad for these made add recycled plastic shoes. They're cute, but flats back kept scrolling. Okay. Do you know what brand you're talking about? No. Well, she tell us at the end, over the next few weeks. I keep seeing the ads. Okay. How much I click on the ad? They're$150. Whoa. She says sticker shock. Are they the fancy flats everyone loves? I think so. Okay.<laugh> uh, don't get me wrong, I'll pay it for the shoes. I have two pairs of blue boos, which I'm now Blue Blues. Oh. Pair my account. I always say it wrong. Anyway. And she says I have a hundred pairs of other brands, card carrying DSW Premier Awards member here<laugh>. Uh, but I'm not gonna pay that much for flats. Nope. Uhuh. No way. Hard pass. The ads continue. Okay. What's so great about these shoes? I found a blog post that talked about the comfort free returns if you don't wear them outside. Interesting. And here's$20 off Welp, 29 pairs of these shoes. Later. My and I can say well played Rockies. Oh,<laugh>. Next to my twin boys. You're my favorite twins. And thanks so much for all you do. I haven't officially gone into business yet. Maybe by podcast. Yeah. By the time you hear this we'll be<laugh>. But I am marinating in the knowledge when I retire from Principaling in 167 days. I'll put your advice practice. Oh, congratulations. If you guys dunno what Roth these are, don't look'em up. They're very cute. They are very smart<laugh>. Yeah. But that is how, so what she's referencing is like, was it 2221 touchpoints before somebody converts? Yeah. A lot. A lot of you guys are like, I made a single post and nobody bought, I know what gifts know. Yeah. Uh, 21. 21 touchpoints. So you're like 21 posts. No one email, one post, one story, one Instagram feed. One real one TikTok. One ad. One ad. Yeah. And a lot of these one community posts. And now you can easily make 21 touchpoints that all look diverse. Yeah. And different Uhhuh<affirmative>, what's going on on the watch? Love Replica Services was having another discount.<laugh> Replica Services. You see replica services coming out bigger squares. Oh wow. Yeah. Yeah. Acorn, I had big squares. She does have, but those are for cake people. Right. Do you have any other big squares? No, I only like the small ones cuz they fit in the little Yeah. Cupboard. What? Because if you had a bunch of different size of Be Behind store, I would, yeah. Okay. Well that was hilarious and I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you Kim. If you're listening to this, we are well into the future now.<laugh>, I hope you're retired and having a grand old life with your lu boos. I like that phrase and your rock. Oh yeah, the rock. I, I'd look in this. I think even mom has it here. I

Speaker 2:

Think Summer has a pair.

Speaker 1:

I gotta work through my cloud nine

Speaker 3:

Yesterday we're, yeah we got a cloud Nines going on.

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. Um, okay so look you wanna jump into sponsors? Tell me about then

Speaker 2:

Just really just going what you just Alright. Break Chasing myself first sponsor is ae core backwards. If you're looking to up your photos to gain more interest on your post, to capture those eyes as people scroll, you need to look into an AE core backwards. It's a photography backdrop and it's foodsafe. Matt, you name it. I poured a chocolate syrup on mine, then took it outside and just put it under the hose and it wiped off clean. You just

Speaker 3:

Get it. Yeah.<laugh>, I dunno what I'm supposed to say.<laugh>. So well, um, why? I can't believe I didn't know what that was to three, which you can't<laugh>. Okay. On a

Speaker 2:

Course you can get 20% off by using the code sugar cookie at checkout. If you wanna see uh, ae core inaction, you can just go and look up the hashtag on Instagram ae core backers. There's over a thousand posts of people using the backers and you can honestly really shop from those posts cuz you can see what looks good against your drop cookies. What looks against the cake? That's a great one. Yeah, I know. I always

Speaker 1:

Use that. That's amazing. Let the people experiment for

Speaker 3:

You with

Speaker 1:

Their walls. Um, I forgot my podcast poll. Am I skipping around? Do you want me to do it?

Speaker 2:

No, you do. The next one, Eddie, go.

Speaker 1:

Eddie. Is it

Speaker 3:

<laugh> Thunder?<laugh>. It is very

Speaker 1:

Rainy here in the northern machine.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And I are cooped up. Uh, Eddie is a direct

Speaker 2:

To food

Speaker 1:

Edible printer. There are many copycats, but there are none like<inaudible>. You know what I'm targeted in What?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

These like pens that print man on food. Yeah, I know. The common section is abysmal and it feels like a hackathon<laugh>

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Your wallet when you go to the checkout. However, Eddie is not cheap and that's because he is talented. The man knows his worth. I'm just kidding. He's a machine but aren't Yeah, there's like

Speaker 2:

A tag. I'm gonna help you

Speaker 3:

But I really wanna do My podcast is not gonna take

Speaker 2:

Your money. They're actually owned by a big company called Prime

Speaker 3:

Eddie. Please don't drop this's podcast functions. That was other. Eddie hits a

Speaker 2:

Direct to food printer. It's

Speaker 3:

Amazing. Oh, look up hashtag Eddie the edible printer on Instagram and see what people are printing. We wear

Speaker 2:

Printing on m and m's chips. Cookies. Roy Lysing. Butter of cream. Mentos,

Speaker 3:

Men's stone.<laugh>. We gonna get some bad.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the last and final is Bacony baked meringue powder. You can use code twins at checkout for 10%

Speaker 2:

Off. Yep.

Speaker 1:

It is really nice. Corey really likes it so much that she won't even use it on our, our class days.<laugh>. She only uses it for custom orders cuz it's so ritzy.<laugh>. Uh, but yeah, I gotta say I've taste tested All Quarry's cookies. Those cookies. You MaDee anything. Remember?

Speaker 2:

Weren't they so good? Delicious

Speaker 1:

Bake. Delicious. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. Uh, if you're wondering, well I want a recipe for Maria. It's just my me powder. It's not working. Use the recipe on the back of her bag.

Speaker 2:

And just a tip. I've actually taken one tablespoon out of my mix. She sent, that was her tip to gimme a little bit more time before it crust

Speaker 1:

One tablespoon out of the mering pattern. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you put a third of cup and then I just take a tablespoon out and put it back in

Speaker 1:

The bag. Oh, smart. So that saves you save ingredient cost. So would you do that for your customs or you do that for your classes? No,

Speaker 2:

I do that for myself to give me a little bit more time. If I'm doing wet on wet it doesn't

Speaker 1:

Crust as fast. No. Keep in mind Corey has a dehydrator so you can dry it faster, right?

Speaker 2:

You can. I have a tabletop fan. Dehydrate Dre. We're gonna get these puffs dry

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. It's gotta get, so, okay. That takes us see the podcast. Don't forget, did you say the AE core discount code? I

Speaker 2:

Did. You made old

Speaker 1:

Thing. I was looking at my podcast, Paul to my podcast. P how long have you been baking the sugar cookies? So we have 376 votes. I just posted it this morning. And in the Sugar cookie marketing group, we have 45% of people say they've been baking cookies for one to three

Speaker 2:

Years. Wow.

Speaker 1:

I think that has a lot to do with Covid Lockdowns. I think

Speaker 2:

So. And, and with video becoming so much popular, you you

Speaker 1:

Saw those videos so much popular

Speaker 2:

<laugh>. So much popular

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. What's your kick? The Popularist<laugh>. Uh, here's the crazy thing. It goes, 45% of people have been baking for one to three years. Then the second highest vote is 21% at four to six years and 13% at seven to 10 years. Then it goes way down that the next one is 7% at less than a year. Wow. And 7% at more than 17. Wow.

Speaker 2:

We got the gamut. We're running the gamut

Speaker 1:

And a tie for 3% between 11 and 13 years and 14 to 17 years. So comprising 45% of this, you know, small poll. Yeah. Uh, Gallop poll. What is a Gallup poll? Gallup kind of this Gallup poll of the Heather cookie marketing social media platform. One of three years would be the average of that group. Wow. Which makes a lot of sense. It does. Do you think it is new because of Covid or that's just when most people are exploring the marketing and sales side of things? I

Speaker 2:

Will say I think quarantine did have a big take in that. I will say that probably a lot of people burn out and quit and that's why you're seeing lower numbers than they

Speaker 1:

Would explain this gap for a little bit of this

Speaker 2:

Intern time. Yeah, I think I think people can really have burnout out and maybe come back or maybe never come back.

Speaker 1:

I also wonder if the more than 17 years of being at roughly 8% is people reaching retirement and getting a side hobby going again. Oh, I wonder for like a more fun side hustle. Yeah. Uh, we'll never know. That's just

Speaker 2:

Speculation. Let's do another podcast. Wall

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. Don't mind if it's new<laugh>. Okay, so we've done, oh, I wanted to talk about some Facebook Live we have coming up. I just posted one. I've got another one to post and I'm working on a third person to teach one. I think I know what you're Yeah. Solid. I need to say that one. So we have Nicole St.[inaudible] I've never heard of this before. A virtual pop-up. It's kind of like someone said it, Mary de did it a few years ago. I did. I wanna put it Prosperity. It's a smart idea. Uhhuh. So if you watched sofa's original long time ago, one, she was this pop-up queen where people are hiding in bushes and surprising her and she's like, no, you've gotta stand in line. Yeah. But now she's moved to this virtual version and she's actually hosting one on the day. No way. So she's gonna walk us through it before she actually Oh, that's, that's so fun. Then Kia, she's in the cookie. Yeah. Just giving us a brick and mortar tour. No way. Yeah. Yeah. So you can kind of see, I know a lot of people's goal as like what if, yeah. What if this becomes a brick and mortar opportunity, which is a whole nother ballgame when we talk brick and mortar. We talk about overhead collateral leases. Yeah. A lot of cottage people are sheltered from that Stress. Uhhuh<affirmative>. So Kia's gonna walk us through that. And then Andrea Forte may, if we push her and give her peer pressure, teach us about QuickBooks. I know, uh, I hate QuickBooks, but we do use it. It is how you do accounting and bookkeeping in small business. Yeah. There are many other options. However, it seems like QuickBooks unfortunately covers a lot of the bases. True. Heather has been finding with the accountant for years now, she just assumed I knew how the app to work. Like I had not, but you wanted to use the fresh books and she's like, no, why are you giving me more work? I need you to use QuickBooks. Yeah. So I still use FreshBooks<laugh> and QuickBooks<laugh>. Okay. A lot of people use Wave Financial. Never experienced myself as free. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Uh, and then I see people using like apps and kind of piecing'em together. I think you, I don't think Square does accounting. I don't think so. Like I think it does invoicing and payment processing. Maybe it puts it in a nice Yeah. So when we're talking about accounting, I know I talk about you need a budget. It's not accounting software. It's budgeting software. Yeah. So you see a lot. I don't think QuickBooks is budgeting software. It's accounting software. Yeah. So unfortunately it looks like most of the time you'll need a couple apps to do. I can say there's apps that do everything. There's very few apps that do all things. Or at least all things Well, unfortunately, unfortunately for recurring payments. Right. Um, but that's what's coming up. And then I'll be posting today three events. The happy hours at Cookie Con, Ohio and Orlando. Now these are fun because they're sponsored by Heather Campbell, Berkshire is her name in the groups. And she is a Disney adult planner. Yeah. She's actually in Disney right now.<laugh>. Uh, and she sent me somebody with a last, their first name is Michael. No way. Yeah. Little name tag of one of the tours. Oh, no way. Um, secretly hoping she said, Hey listen, can I take a name tag? There's these Strand Miracle. You may be featured on the podcast. However she, if she, you wanna plan a Disney trip along. So the Orlando Cookie con is in August. It is in Orlando. Yeah. Which is where Disney World Hop's skipping a jump. Disney World Disneyland. Yes. Disney World. Disney World Disney World Disney. We don't always get in the car when we were little kids and let's try Disney World. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Uh, so it's where Disney World is and she can help you plan that. I'll have more information if you wanna reach out to her for that. But we will be at both Cookie Cons.

Speaker 2:

And I, am I under the impression that it's free to hire a Disney planner?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. Not

Speaker 2:

A cold thought till next week when I got some confirmation when we did it, it was,

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah. I don't know. I don't have to look into it. Well, Heather can answer that for you, but true. Why, why plan it yourself when she's doing, she's scouting it out. Right.

Speaker 2:

Believe me, I tried to do it myself and that's why I said I gotta have a Disney planner.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's a lot. It's insane. And now if you're adding Cookie Conna in there as well and you're bringing kids or family and you're trying to make this more a vacation, which a lot of people did when Corey and I went to the Orlando Cookie Con two years ago, Uhhuh<affirmative>, uh, a lot of people did turn it into a family vacation. Yeah, you're already there. You already paid for the planes to get. I know. Get a little cookie, get a little of Disney. Uhhuh<affirmative> a

Speaker 2:

Little Mickey. And there's something called a magic band. Please get that. You

Speaker 1:

Did not have. The magic band apparently opens every door

Speaker 2:

<laugh>. And if

Speaker 1:

You don't have, imagine how many doors weren't open when we didn't have one According. And we're like, we're here is see Mickey. And they're, and I don't,

Speaker 2:

I don't wanna waste money on a magic band.

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. You're like, you need to give your left kitty today now<laugh>. Uh, so, and then we'll be having a meet the Baker Cookie Club at the end of February

Speaker 2:

And that is you getting in front of a camera. Hate it. Getting in front of that iPhone and taking a photo of yourself. And we're gonna post it on the same day.

Speaker 1:

Do you want a photo of your like a reel?

Speaker 3:

I will do a<laugh>. That's your turn. But

Speaker 1:

That will be on February 24th. Again, you can do whatever you want, but loosely, if you put your face on that screen that people will like it.

Speaker 2:

The best part is we do kind of like this

Speaker 1:

Engagement, the part of waking up. It's

Speaker 3:

Called you do an maybe I'll do Tell'em about the

Speaker 1:

Cookie classes. Oh yeah. Corey and I have uh, worked very hard. Uh, sweet POV has worked harder though. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, uh, to launch a cookie classes kit. Now it is a part of the cookie college, but I gotta say, listen, when

Speaker 2:

You said it's a part of the cookie college people are like, do

Speaker 1:

I have to sign up Cookie? My apologies. Might as well. Right.<laugh>. You can get it by itself for$63 or you can get that and everything else the cookie college offers, cuz that is included in that membership at$76. But if you're like girls, I don't want anything but classes. I'm here for big margins, big paydays. Then the cookie class kits is awesome now. Corey just posted yesterday the designs for March and you guys are going to love it. I gotta say think round things. Yeah.<laugh>, round birds round shoes. Round bird houses, round flowers.<laugh>. That's very round flower. The flower is super

Speaker 2:

Cute. I know. Uh, she did so good

Speaker 1:

On that. She did good. So she what She's printing those out? She,

Speaker 2:

They're sent, she already sent'em out today.

Speaker 1:

So Corey and I are working feverishly to get these posted before the class time. So we're, we're catching up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm working on name on now. 10th.

Speaker 1:

And then, so that means we'll be at our goal of being a month out. Give, I would love to give everyone like a six week run time. But the good thing with the spring classes, it's spring. It's all spring. You could get just that class. Of course when you sign up you get access to anything. It's currently available. But let's say you get the spring class canceling your membership. So after the first mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you know, buy the one class, then teach it three times, then swing back in and sign up again to get whatever summer sell.

Speaker 2:

Then you pay off your cutters because you taught it three times. You pay off whatever else. The more

Speaker 1:

You teach this class. Queen and I sell class tickets. We had a bump up prices,$75 a ticket. Mm-hmm<affirmative>, the cookie class kits is everything you need to do and post and have and sell to sell tickets. That's only 63

Speaker 2:

Bucks. Yeah. Think copy marketing photos. Heather has really good at Photoshop. Takes my little cookie photos and we'll duplicate'em. Make something cute. You had some puns you did for the Valentine's Day one. I thought we were adorable. Um, you can, what else is Oh, the PowerPoint, step by step.

Speaker 1:

PowerPoint. Eventbrite Copy. Eventbrite cover Facebook cover. Um, my email drew campaign, it's nothing scientific but it works. I've been using it for years. It's just a reminder to make sure we get butts and seats. I'm not doing refunds. Yeah. And our refund policy, that's

Speaker 2:

So all you have to do is really bake the cookies, show up and teach

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. That's get a venue. Yeah. And our shop list. So exactly the things that we bought to teach classes ourselves. Again, find you a cheaper alternative if you want. But we found that this works

Speaker 2:

And our stuff, we, we've had

Speaker 1:

It for years. We

Speaker 2:

Keep just reusing it. Okay. So we have these metal plates. I hate when sprinklers metals go flying. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

These metal plates. It's a plate. Oh I guess huh? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But we put the cookies on one and the sprinkle on the other and I say really,

Speaker 1:

Really helps.

Speaker 2:

Pick up your little pan, bring it to you<laugh> and do your sprinkles over the

Speaker 1:

Pan. Yeah. Like one time we didn't

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Was chaos. Chaos, chaos. Mm-hmm<affirmative> sprinkles Were in places where sprinkles should be<laugh>. True. Uh, the vacuum had a job that day. So that has just launched. If you sign up today, you get January and February and since you'll sign up for a month, it's a monthly membership. I can guarantee you you're gonna get April, March March's content Uhhuh in the next 30 days

Speaker 2:

And April will be an Easter theme. Just so you could plan around that. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, some

Speaker 1:

People wanna

Speaker 2:

Do Easter, some people wanna do spring. But we did a vote in the college and most everyone said Easter.

Speaker 1:

It does sell. Well it does. Uh, we are, we are doing two Easter classes.

Speaker 2:

I know we, our Easter class was so cute all the time.

Speaker 1:

It is so cute. Yeah. It's shame that we are departing but we did promise our audience that we're finally updating re contest.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I have to tell you my twin twist. I'm just jumping in here. Oh

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's go

Speaker 2:

To the gym. I always wear a jacket. I always wear a jacket 24 7 anyways. But to the gym I wear. Can

Speaker 1:

I describe your jacket that you wear 24 7 anyways to people? This green one? Yeah. I want you to picture a jacket that cuts you off at the most unflattering point on your entire body.<laugh>. I want you to like look at your calf and go about two and a half inches up. That's where this jacket ends. On clock. I walked into T-Mobile. I looked, I

Speaker 2:

Walked into T-Mobile and the guy's like, Hey you're back. I said, how did you know it was me? He said the green jacket. I said

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Thank you for noticing my ugly jacket. And he was like, no. It was kind of like your style. I said this

Speaker 3:

Isn't stylish.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I want you to think of a Christmas bell now in a puy army

Speaker 2:

Man. Michelin man green. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It has like little sections. It flares

Speaker 2:

Out wild. It really does flare out. It used to have like a cinch belt that I've long since last

Speaker 1:

Pairs it with Capris don't

Speaker 3:

Capri. Then the bottle of the jacket<laugh> paste add really

Speaker 1:

Adds to it

Speaker 2:

Is when the hood

Speaker 3:

Goes inverted.<laugh> I have, it's like zipped up haphazardly over. If you saw Tori, you would ask her if she needs assistance.<laugh>.

Speaker 2:

It's why I wore it. Everyone mail

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. Yeah. Okay. Anyways, go on with your story.

Speaker 2:

I wore not the

Speaker 1:

Pocket is even unzipped and

Speaker 3:

<laugh> so I can always have my like it's about 50 tissues in there. You took all of

Speaker 1:

Lubo style and inverted it to be dysfunctionality worse.

Speaker 3:

Hey I am comfortable<laugh>.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have to wash this bad boy. I was even offending myself.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

About the little and also just to paint the rest of the picture. It's

Speaker 3:

Got a free<laugh>.

Speaker 2:

The last one I had my husband dried it. Which you nose dried. So it made it like

Speaker 3:

This Really? It looked like a raccoon was stuck in the back. It was really? No it's you can't

Speaker 2:

<laugh>. No. You knows staying it up. But I went to the gym and I was wearing the sugar cookie marketing jacket. You

Speaker 3:

The gap I got on the

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

<laugh> I went to

Speaker 2:

Anytime someone says I

Speaker 3:

Like your jacket, I'm okay. You're a liar, you're okay. I'll tip<laugh>

Speaker 2:

Went did

Speaker 3:

The dim

Speaker 2:

And I was wearing the sugar cookie marketing jacket that we wore a cookie con. Now it's fine. Do you have a shirt? The pink one? No, this one.

Speaker 3:

But remember you played the jacket in a jacket look like a duplicate a week.

Speaker 2:

I have seven of these

Speaker 3:

Jackets<laugh> and I'm always wearing'em. But

Speaker 2:

I wore some person was like, what is your jacket mean? But I didn't wanna be like, yeah

Speaker 3:

We're cold<laugh>. So I said, oh I bake.

Speaker 2:

So she's like, oh I would love to test your cookies. She probably asked, it was a personal trainer for these cookies for two solid months. So finally I was like, I'm gonna bring them some cookies. So she stops asking. Then she said took three months from

Speaker 3:

Off from the gym. And then

Speaker 2:

When I came back she's like, I've been wanting to take your class. Do you have a class? I have four people who wanna sign up. They just signed up.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, she, we added an extra class. Cory said it has to be, our minimum is four people to show up. Yeah because then it's kind of weird. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

You get each get a twin

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And I can't do much for you. And here's going interject<laugh>. But uh, yeah we ended up selling now five and I think we'll sell out

Speaker 2:

The remaining price. Yeah. So wearing your clothes

Speaker 3:

<laugh>, it's good. I look so sweaty<laugh>. Cause you have five jackets on. I

Speaker 1:

Don't never have a twin twist. Yes you do.

Speaker 2:

Talk about your Shakti helmet.

Speaker 3:

<laugh> shakti head.

Speaker 1:

So the Shakti is accu pressure. Unlike Accu puncture, you're just lying on this bed of nails. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. It's plasticy nails. It's not even nails at all. However it hurts. So good type deal. The thought being, if pain is everywhere then pain is nowhere.<laugh>. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. Uh, and then, I don't know, maybe your body, I don't know if it's just a bunch of hocus pocus but it works. I've been doing it for two weeks now. Found out they came out with a headband. Do you know like your forehead ever feels like a one time pressure. I went to a like massage kiosk mall place. Weird. And the the guy. Yeah, I know it truly had, I

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Do that. But I don't like that they put it in the busiest part of the mall and everyone's staring at you.

Speaker 1:

Listen man, you gotta jack off

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. Yeah, we're staring at you<laugh>. Right.

Speaker 1:

He massaged my forehead, which I was like, dude. Whatever you wanna do. But it felt amazing cause I think there's a lot of tension

Speaker 2:

Pressure point forehead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. Yeah. So I got the shockti headband, which is these

Speaker 2:

Little prickles, but you will have a indention.

Speaker 1:

Wait, I wanna let you know anything that touches a shock team. Matt has a million little

Speaker 3:

Pokes<laugh>. I can't,

Speaker 1:

It's not something you would do and then go into public<laugh>. Uh, but like people lay their arms on it if you have, I don't know if it works or not. If it's a placebo, fine. Hi. Fine. Hi. Let me take my sugar pill and call it an I mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. That would be mine. My interest I guess.

Speaker 2:

Have you worn it yet?

Speaker 1:

I ordered it today. Oh. Out of an email. I

Speaker 2:

Can't wait to see what your forehead looks like. Shut. What If you get one pimple from it, you

Speaker 1:

Won't wear it again. Done. I know you<laugh> Jack. You're gonna get an ankle bracelet.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Enjoy my knee. Okay, I think that's it. Did we cover

Speaker 2:

Everything? I, because you would just bamboos a little ba

Speaker 1:

Bamboos. We're already at an hour seven. Oh, I better

Speaker 2:

Go get my child. Go

Speaker 1:

Get your child and your jacket. They're probably like, ma'am do you have

Speaker 2:

A, I wear this to get him in every day and I know that they're judging me like oh there goes aren't smile

Speaker 1:

<laugh>. There he goes. That weird bell

Speaker 3:

<laugh>. He

Speaker 1:

Flares. I guess it's what throws me

Speaker 2:

Out. But it's cuz it's

Speaker 1:

Long. We're walking through Tyson's Mall if you know the area, it's affluent I guess. And Corey and I are looking like bag aons and I Corey's like look at that girl's long jacket. Yeah,

Speaker 2:

It was so pretty.

Speaker 1:

Corey's like, can you find that there's a patch and label on her shoulder. Yeah. So we're walking uncomfortably close. Can I get

Speaker 2:

Along? I know. Trying to like look over. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

She's probably like, whoa. Yeah, what's going on? So we're sitting in a restaurant later that overlooks the general walkways and there's a man with the same patch on different jacket style and

Speaker 2:

They're hollered now.

Speaker 1:

This is sa Sar can have some walk<laugh>. I said, Hey, where's your jacket from? And he's like,

Speaker 2:

Canadian goose.

Speaker 1:

Canadian goose. And we're like,

Speaker 2:

Sign, thanks. Let me Google that real

Speaker 1:

Jacket. Quick jacket. Her jacket was$1,700.

Speaker 2:

1700. So

Speaker 1:

Back to the gap clearance. We

Speaker 3:

Wet<laugh> one day, guys. One.

Speaker 2:

Remember how I bought Heather's those

Speaker 3:

Lips?<laugh>? I can't wait to the re

Speaker 1:

It. Oh man. Get some. Oh, you're on clouds. You Corey bought our new on clouds. She bought the water. Reinforced ones.

Speaker 2:

But it has a toe reinforcement so your big toe doesn't get wet. But also it might not pop through the top.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious.

Speaker 2:

I'm curious as

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Okay, come guys. Thanks.