Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing 🍪
👋 Hey - Heather and Corrie here with the Baking it Down Podcast with Sugar Cookie Marketing (a group on Facebook full of sugar cookiers turned business owners).
🍪 We're here to help you rise with your reach, flood with new followers, bake up new ideas, and make that all-important dough (while makin' that dough - see the pun there?)
🤑. What’s it about? We’re a Facebook Group turned Podcast, Membership, Book Club, and Baking 101 that’s dedicated to assisting bakers in effectively marketing online to generate more sales and better manage their businesses.
🧠 With free Facebook Live classes, hundreds of resources, and thousands of like-minded bakers, there’s a lot to learn in "SCM" (aka Sugar Cookie Marketing). ️🎧 As an extension of our Facebook group, this podcast is here to let you learn by listening. 📈 We'll cover group topics, marketing trends, and more (leaving this wide open in case Corrie wants to start singing).
💸 We take the sweet art of selling online to the cottage bakery world with marketing methods that move products (and pastries).👂 So open up those glorious ear canals because we have a podcast! Just when you’ve thought you’ve “heard” it all with those marketing "miracle" twins (that's our last name - not a proclamation), we’ve got something just for you each week!
🥣 As a baker, you don't always have the luxury of two hands needed to scroll in Sugar Cookie Marketing Group or crack open a book in Sugar Cookie Bookies, but what you can do is listen (unless you're my kid asking “what’s for dinner” for the millionth time).
👐 Hands full of flour? No problem! 👍 18 dozen iced cookies due tomorrow? Let’s do this. The Baking it Down Podcast by Sugar Cookie Marketing is a weekly podcast geared toward helping you grow your bakery business - dropping (almost) every Tuesday.
📅 We choose a topic each week that's either something new and emerging in the world of social media or something that we saw in "The Group" that was a hot topic and we bake it down... I mean, "break" it down for you. 🗯️ What you can expect in the podcast is about an hour of chit-chat with the meat and potatoes right at the beginning of the episode.
🥔 That’s when we dive into the marketing topic of the week! 📞 Oh yeah, folks can call / text / email in with their questions too - a fun way to hear from other bakers out there.
Our promises to you:
1️⃣ We always make it clean = no cursing. We understand that you are busy and could be around little ones while also trying to get your weekly dose of business growth so we make sure that each episode would make our grandma proud and keep it clean so you can listen while also living your life.
2️⃣ We always make it fun. There’s a lot of negativity in the world so we try and make the podcast an upbeat and fun learning experience for you. I mean, we try to make the Instagram updates and changes as happy as we can, but come on Instagram! Give it a rest! No more changes!
3️⃣ Other than that, we take a positive approach to marketing We are also *not* professional podcasters. I feel like we need to say this because, hey, sometimes we get giggles! We do our best to extend our marketing knowledge to you all free of charge each week at the cost of listening to our higher-than-normal pitched voices and the occasional giggle spree.
4️⃣ You can find the podcast on all the major platforms and you can typically expect a new episode each Tuesday afternoon (unless life happens). We invite everyone to listen.
Either start from the beginning or work backward! The episodes don’t build off themselves so you won’t be confused hearing one before the other. You just might miss new Lives we mention but you can always catch the replay in the Sugar Cookie Marketing Group on Facebook!
Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing 🍪
99. Baking it Down - Refund Chaos
🥤 Refund Chaos
Twin2 (Corrie) is weirdly obsessed with TikTok drama - and not just any TikTok drama - no, specifically Tumbler TikTok drama - you know, the cups? Yeah - that Tumbler. So imagine my surprise when Business Insider posts an article about the very Tumbler drama she's been popcorning about since last week. 😳
It's regarding all the good stuff - refunds, screenshots, screenshots of screenshots, Etsy reviews, mudsliggin' retorts - you know, the internet drama that gets you under a warm blanket for hours as you play judge-jury-executioner via your pocket computer.
So I said - let's make a list of ways we can stay outta Business Insider articles and learn through other's experiences. Now - bless all the parties in this convoluted tail of chalice-themed cheap entertainment - I'm not pickin' sides. But grab a glass and let's work through this.
Pictured: Big Debrah (from Business Insider > from TikTok)
📑 1. Have it in your policies.
Let the policy be the bad guy - it's you and the customer against the big bad small print. Consider everything you'll need to cover your butt (and in this case, your bottle). Refunds, response times, really-close-but-not-perfect color matching? Yeah - that stuff. And that way - when things go left, you can point at the right policy and see if you can work from there.
At the beginning of this 🥤 Tumbler tumble, it seemed like the policies weren't clear on refunds when the shop made a boo-boo leaving things up to interpretation - ya know, like who pays return shipping, repairing damaged merchandise, etc.
🥶 2. Give it a minute - cool off!
To date - no one has died by not receiving an immediate reply to a cookie complaint. It's easy to get emotional when all we see is blood, sweat, and tears of work being complained about - so give yourself a break.
In the 🥤 #tumblergate drama, the responses were goin' up faster than Corrie could place an Amazon order! No time to think out a response that makes you look good and the other party feel good. C-o-o-l o-f-f.
🤬 3. Keep it private and professional.
Stay outta the limelight on handling sticky issues. This isn't the time to get the courage to go Live on Instagram. Keep it private and professional - and a great way to do this is to imagine your response being read in a court of law. If it raises a judge's eyebrow - you probably need to take it back to the drawing board.
Things escalated here faster than goin' to the second floor at Tysons Mall when there's a clearance sale at Nordy. Blaming, accusing, and cursin' that would make your Gramma call up your Momma and have a few words herself - that's where this went - and unfortunately, lead to doxxing the buyer's address (revealing identifiable information). Yikes!
👈 4. Take accountability.
Last I checked, none of us were perfect (except Phoebe-Woebe-Lemon-Squeeze 😺), so don't have shame in accepting your part in a problem. It's okay! Accountability allows the other side to also take some accountability as well. Taking zero accountability leaves the other party fighting 100% accountability. There's a world in which you can be at-fault 40% and that doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you a human.
In this version of 🥤 Tumbler-terror 5000, the original party points the blame back at the buyer - accusing the buyer of setting up the entire rouse to frame-blame the seller. Well - what else does the buyer have to do other than defend themselves?? Escalation nation!
🤗 5. Work towards a mutual resolution.
It is the podcast. Sorry, I pressed record before I set down
Speaker 2:<laugh>. Welcome to the 99th podcast. We baby you down with Sugar Cookie Market. Hey, if they're just tuning in for the first time, what are they in for
Speaker 1:This time? You're in for a wild gossip from wild,
Speaker 2:Right? There's a hashtag.
Speaker 1:Wait before we get there. Okay. Tell'em what they'll actually get
Speaker 2:A marketing nugget.<laugh>. Well,
Speaker 1:Okay. Yeah. So Sugar Cookie Marketing group on Facebook. How many people are in
Speaker 2:And out? Almost 38.
Speaker 1:Someone was saying like, I started this beautiful person in the group was like, I started the podcast. I'm six months behind reality.
Speaker 2:Yes. Has
Speaker 1:The
Speaker 2:Blast.<laugh>. It has surpassed. And now we don't
Speaker 1:Talk about it till November next. It was crazy. I was building out, are we
Speaker 2:Gonna do the vendee anymore?
Speaker 1:You know, somebody from Australia have to respond to her. Said, can I be a part of it? I was like, what? You were planning so far ahead.
Speaker 2:What if she's the only person who said<laugh>? You ever got
Speaker 1:Yeah, I was making a, you know, just as using four, you know those countdown graphics? Yeah. Well I use'em just to plan out. Cause you gotta know how far away things are, right? Yeah. So they built it out for the rest of the calendar year for us. Uhhuh.
Speaker 2:<affirmative>. Yikes. What
Speaker 1:Things are coming at us quickly?
Speaker 2:<laugh>. All right. Jessica Cookie gone one and dude right around the corner. Oh no Uhhuh. No.
Speaker 1:Anyways, back to the drama. So Corey comes, oh, what was it like Tuesday last
Speaker 2:Week? I think so, I
Speaker 1:Believe. And she's like, have you heard the Tumblr drama on TikTok? And I was thinking about Tumblr, the website back when we
Speaker 2:Were like kids. Yeah. A lot of people did a lot of Tumblr<laugh>. No,
Speaker 1:No, no. The drinking bottles
Speaker 2:<laugh> the bottles you drink out of Tum Tumblrs. Now
Speaker 1:I wanna say the Tumblr world is like the cookie world, but crazy. Or
Speaker 2:You all look crazy. Don't get that wrong. Yeah, they're, they, they have this ongoing Bo I'm have never made a Tumblr before in my life when
Speaker 1:Corey likes random stranger internet drama. In
Speaker 2:A weird way,<laugh>
Speaker 1:Must sophisticated.
Speaker 2:I don't wanna be involved in it. I'm not gonna comment on anything you wants your life.
Speaker 1:Follow the back and forth. I'll
Speaker 2:Go back to the, the beginning.
Speaker 1:It's so funny cuz me and our older sister don't
Speaker 2:Care at all. No. Me,
Speaker 1:Corey and my little sister are just like dead. The
Speaker 2:Yeah. Then
Speaker 1:Shelly said, and as Corey said,
Speaker 2:I just, you know, when it plays in the background, I enjoy.
Speaker 1:I'd rather pluck out both eyes.
Speaker 2:<laugh>. Well, yeah, totally. The world of Tumblr, they are, they have the sport and we don't know who the team,
Speaker 1:What is that? I'm sorry. Tumblr. Okay. Tumblr. In relation to the ones that Starbucks kind of sells. It's it
Speaker 2:Decorated. Okay. So there's two types of Tumblrs from what
Speaker 1:I
Speaker 2:Understands. The dazzled tumblers with crystals on it
Speaker 1:Kind of Starbucks
Speaker 2:Sweet and then Tumblr that you put clay
Speaker 1:On it. Epox, is it
Speaker 2:Epoxy? I don't know. Gray. There's the word sublimation. Epoxy. I don't know how those relate. I just know there's some with sparkles. There's some with clay.
Speaker 1:So last Tuesday, Corey comes to me and she's saying words, I don't know. But then I'm, I read the news in the morning cuz I'm old and Corey's five<laugh>. And it's like Tumblr drama hits TikTok. It was on a Business Insider article. Which business Insider. Neither here nor there, but I was like, oh my goodness, this is Corey's that drama. My story<laugh>. So, so I read the whole article and it's just a almost business insider's. Like, we're taking no sides, but we're getting all the juicy tidbits. So I'm reading it, it's like this name said, did this and this and that and the other. And it escalates out of control. And Business insider just leaves us with that. Like, and it has escalated period.<laugh>.
Speaker 3:So I
Speaker 1:Said, well, it's all centered around
Speaker 2:Refunds. It is all center centered around customer service. And what was fantastic about this is I caught this drama on the, the very first video,
Speaker 1:What I was writing, the original.
Speaker 2:I was, I was, I was like, one of the first few people sat and I said, oh, this is not going to go well.
Speaker 1:And clearly by the time I got to,
Speaker 3:I
Speaker 1:Did it. So you, let's, let's do this. Okay. You walk us through this drama so we can all grab a popcorn. Okay. Get extra movie better. All right. And then throughout we'll pause and say what could have done versus what Sure did get done.
Speaker 2:And I'm not taking any sides cuz you can figure
Speaker 1:Out, look can be in the eye Sockets, heavy seat are taken a side
Speaker 3:<laugh>. Just kidding. Hard not<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Alright, so
Speaker 2:Customer orders a Tumblr. Okay. It is, uh, one that went viral back in November. I gotta
Speaker 1:Describe it to you guys cause Corey's not going to describe her. Know little Debbie Christmas cakes.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Christmas cakes from,
Speaker 1:You know, where they, you know, you get'em in the dollar section. They last for 20 years too long. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, uh, those things as a tumble. But I didn't realize, cuz I wasn't being painted the picture correctly. Corey kept saying it's big. Like, okay, the cup. No, no.
Speaker 2:It's
Speaker 1:A, the cup that's,
Speaker 2:It's the size of your face.
Speaker 1:Epox clay around. It is the size of our heads, which our heads are large.
Speaker 2:Yeah. It's a gigantic,
Speaker 1:It is the biggest thing. It fit. Like Stanley has nothing No, on the size of this cup. It is so much cup.
Speaker 2:So it looks like a life size. Little deadly, deadly
Speaker 3:<laugh>. Why can I say
Speaker 1:It's a little deadly tree
Speaker 3:<laugh>.
Speaker 1:So this thing, I, again, I can't begin to describe to you how large it is. It is non-functioning in so many ways. However, there is a straw on it. So you could, I don't know if you can wash these things.
Speaker 2:I'm sure you can. I don't
Speaker 1:Know, wild, but I, if you understand, what we're dealing with is this thing costs 200 bucks.
Speaker 2:It was$200. So it was 1 95 shipping. Made it over 200.
Speaker 1:This is all done through Etsy. And this
Speaker 2:Was all done through Etsy. It went viral on TikTok. And this is how the, the customer ended up discovering it. Oh.
Speaker 1:So originally the little Debbie, Deb, the little Debbie Cup goes viral on TikTok and then you make your purchase through Etsy for this. That's
Speaker 2:Where she directed everyone. Lincoln Bio people went to Etsy shop. They actually changed the name from little Debbie to Big Debs. That's,
Speaker 1:It's so big. That's hilarious.
Speaker 3:<laugh>.
Speaker 1:That is the funniest thing I have ever heard of my life. So, okay, so this happened, what it, oh, this all happened before Christmas because I know people wanted them in time for Christmas. However, because of the, that's the problem with viral content. Uhhuh<affirmative> is these small shops. You can't, you can't maintain that surge of orders. Right.
Speaker 2:So it was a 19 week wait, but
Speaker 1:They wanted it for Christmas. Yeah. There's no, no one got it for Christmas. 19 weeks divided by four. Yeah.
Speaker 2:It was like five months
Speaker 1:<laugh> to get it. It's by the time my countdown comes cup. Okay, well that I understand. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, there's no way to keep with a production. And it's all handmade. It's not from
Speaker 2:Customers Warehouse did not care that it was gonna take 19 weeks. She said, I just wanted a big Deborah.
Speaker 1:That's hilarious.<laugh>.<laugh>. That's the best part. Ok.
Speaker 2:So she ends up waiting the 19 weeks, gets this big Debra in the mail. What
Speaker 1:Are you looking up? How many? 19 weeks. 19 weeks. Divide. Oh, months. I'm not the first person. 4.37.
Speaker 2:So almost five months. She waited. She gets this Tumblr in the mail. When she opens the box, she opens it while she's on a phone call, uh, FaceTime with one of her friends. The friend will come into play
Speaker 1:<laugh>. Okay. So she,
Speaker 2:She opens it, there's like a chip outta the bottom of it that
Speaker 1:It is what Business Insider said.
Speaker 2:Yes. That had been epoxied over
Speaker 1:That. So that's saying that the saying
Speaker 2:Creator knew
Speaker 1:That there
Speaker 2:Was an issue. Okay. Some cracks in the epoxy, you know how little Debra, little Debbies have that red little icing?
Speaker 1:<laugh> little red? That red little icing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. One
Speaker 2:Of those was cracked in epoxy over. So
Speaker 1:Like knew purchaser is citing that there was production issues that were known. Okay. Okay.
Speaker 2:So she actually goes to Etsy. You know, you can comment, you can message
Speaker 1:People very much on the side of the buyer. Yeah. Not the seller.
Speaker 2:Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So she messages the,
Speaker 1:Someone told me this, okay, if you leave a review on Etsy and the shop responds to it, neither of you can ever go back and edit your visa. Really? I, I thought it was wild.
Speaker 2:Also, I think I heard that if someone leaves a five star, you can't reply to it. If someone leaves less than a five star, you can reply to it. See? So it always looks like these one star people are getting all the attention and no one ever thinks, I don't like that at all.
Speaker 1:I know. Thanks. Somebody for life. Know.
Speaker 2:So that actually comes into play later on
Speaker 1:As well.<laugh> Wild Ride. So
Speaker 2:The customer messages on Etsy to the shop and says, Hey, my Tumblr arrived broken. The shops is only gonna, I'm so sorry it doesn't right
Speaker 1:That way. You see how excited Corey? I'm<laugh>, I'm so like, do you talk to Archen? I'm<laugh>. You heard it Excited. No one acted interested. That's why this, so the shop owner
Speaker 2:Actually was very cordial and said, oh, I'm so sorry. Would you want me to send it back and fix it? The customer said, no, I'd just rather have a refund. I can send it back to you when you sent me the return shipping label.
Speaker 1:Okay. That's your first point. Corey wrote down one. This is called re refund Chaos is the name of this podcast. Step 0.1 you make. Yeah. This is where it interjects. Have it in your policies, your refund policy. Have it all written out. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Because right now we have the issue of you send me tracking, you send me shipping money or
Speaker 2:Refund type
Speaker 1:To fix it. Like there's, it seems, yeah, ambiguous.
Speaker 2:So the customer, this is where I said she was on FaceTime. Was on FaceTime with her best friend who happens to be a Tumblr maker
Speaker 1:As well. The Tummler kiddos are wild. They're wild. But unfortunately she
Speaker 2:Has 350,000 followers
Speaker 1:On TikTok. We, so this is not the buyer, this is the friend of the buyer? Yes. Okay.
Speaker 2:Who witnessed her old,
Speaker 1:The buyer? A Tumblr person as well? No. Oh, the buyer's not? No. Oh. So the buyer's friends with that popular, popular maker. Now the, the creator. How many followers do they have? She's been involved before
Speaker 2:The drama. She's always been involved in drama. That's, that's how I first met her. So
Speaker 1:She's built an audience on drama. Yeah. Interesting.
Speaker 2:She originally was, had 10,000 followers. Her Steph went viral for drama before,
Speaker 1:Before Deborah thing.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Debbie has gone viral twice.
Speaker 1:So do you know right now how many followers she has on at least
Speaker 2:49,000?
Speaker 1:She is against like
Speaker 2:10,000 from just this
Speaker 1:Craziness. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So, so we now we've got a Facebook chat with the friend and the bestie
Speaker 2:Friend and the bestie. So the customer says to her friend who has 350,000
Speaker 1:Followers, who is a Tumblr maker, who
Speaker 2:Is a Tumblr maker. Is this normal that this arrived in this state?
Speaker 1:Here's what I've heard from business insider<laugh>. This was, this was staged, well, alleged hearsay.
Speaker 2:Hearsay. We can't say, we cannot confirm.
Speaker 1:Deny i, I put the link to the business insider. So she
Speaker 2:Asked her friend, Hey, is it supposed to arrive this way? The friend was like, absolutely not. Get your money back. It shouldn't
Speaker 1:Be the refund request comes.
Speaker 2:Yes. So
Speaker 1:It's aba, it's
Speaker 2:Oh yeah. At this point. But then the shop owner finds out that the customer asked another Tumblr maker, is this
Speaker 1:Acceptable? Now how would anybody have known this conversation happened publicly?
Speaker 2:Someone sent her a message, sent the thing and said, oh, I saw so-and-so talking about your Tumblr
Speaker 1:On a Facebook
Speaker 2:Live. I think it was like on a TikTok story.
Speaker 1:So it was when Explain So inspiring. But yeah. Screenshot audible. Yes.
Speaker 2:But nothing was so bad at this moment. Okay. It was just someone asking, is this normal? They said, no, get your money back. The shop was fully intending to give the money back.
Speaker 1:Everyone seems to be, it was
Speaker 2:Super fine. A
Speaker 1:Little muddled on what the refund policies are. Do you want me fix it? Do you shipping back and forth.
Speaker 2:Yeah. But I guess she was kind of giving the customer the option and then the customer's like, yeah, I just want my money back. That's
Speaker 1:Fair. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So fair. When the shop heard that her big Deborah had been accused of not showing up perfectly and brought to the, the eyes of another Tumblr maker in the community, she made a video.
Speaker 1:However, it did not show up perfect perfectly. And, and everyone agreed.
Speaker 2:It was, her feelings were hurt already.
Speaker 1:There it is when you get emotional, kept having feelings hurt.
Speaker 2:So she got her feelings hurt and instantly ran to the internet to defend
Speaker 1:Yourself. Read this to your second point. Give it a minute. Cool off.
Speaker 2:Yeah. She said I was not cooled off. Yeah. Unfortunately
Speaker 1:The impulsivity. It is, it's brothing at the, to just continue on this story. Let's learn from it.<laugh>, wait a minute. We'll, uh, yeah. When you are really invested in something, it is hard to see the forest for the tree, which comes into play here. It ends up costing the creator a lot, but give it some time. Nobody has ever passed away from not getting an immediate response. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, right?
Speaker 2:Yes. You already had the Tumblr. Right.
Speaker 1:And I know they're like, well you risk them leaving that battery view. I know. It could only get worse though if you don't reply with that Correct strategy in mind. I don't think the the results get better the sooner
Speaker 2:You body emotion leads and you accuse somebody, they instantly have to be
Speaker 1:Defensive. What else can you do? Either they have to take the L and be like, you're right, I'm a a terrible person. Or you have to fight to the death now. Right. Death crowd.
Speaker 2:So this is where it goes viral.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 2:The shop owner shares wants to show us, she makes it anonymous. She said, I have a customer that's requesting a refund. Okay.
Speaker 1:This is a, this is the biggest, this is a snafu. I
Speaker 2:I think the address, it wasn't
Speaker 1:Intentional,
Speaker 2:Was it? It wasn't supposedly. Okay.
Speaker 1:Did you watch it? Oh
Speaker 2:Yeah. Before she took an Did it feel intentional? Everything? No, it did not. Don't touch on. So the shop owner makes an, uh, a complaining video about this customer without naming her. So you don't know who is it about? But this is when this, the tide turns
Speaker 1:South, south<laugh> the winter. Remember that south side?
Speaker 2:So she's showing the messages between the two of them from Etsy. Okay. And unfortunately, on the side of the screen you see the lady's name and part of her address.
Speaker 1:No, this is an old internet term. I think it's from Reddit originally. But doxing Yeah. Is when you revealed too much information about somebody, enough that strangers can take action. Yeah. And uh, that's why in the sugar cookie marketing group, we say, Hey, you gotta blur out the names. You gotta blur out the stuff. You cannot dox somebody. You, I don't, you know, if I can assume who they are. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> based off the information provided, you've gone too far. We gotta just, you just don't have control of other people. Which this ends up. Oh, exploiting.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. So this is where it goes viral. The lady whose address was now doxed,
Speaker 1:This is the buyer.
Speaker 2:The buyer, okay. Makes a video and says, how dare you.
Speaker 1:Now how many flowers does the buyer have?
Speaker 2:I don't know. I think she has like 40 or something. Oh, okay.
Speaker 1:Yes. Which she got followers. I
Speaker 2:She's a shirt person. Oh,
Speaker 1:She makes
Speaker 2:The shirt. We're on the crafting. Yeah,
Speaker 1:We're in the crafter walk. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So she says, how dare you make that video?
Speaker 1:Kind of a fair response. It's wild cuz I think people ended up reaching out Who are in threatening her?
Speaker 2:We don't know
Speaker 1:That Businesses insider are in fertilizer.<laugh>.
Speaker 2:So remember her friend that has the 350,000 followers, she shares that video
Speaker 1:Of the buyer
Speaker 2:Of the girl saying, how dare you dox me online. Okay. And it gets 1.2 million views in less than 24 hours. Oh. So it's viral. So viral. Now is this when you
Speaker 1:Get sucked up or you sucked up?
Speaker 2:Before I was sucked up. I knew it was gonna go viral. Way
Speaker 1:Back you viral.
Speaker 2:I was just riding this wig. You're
Speaker 1:Yeah. Surfing<laugh>.
Speaker 2:Okay. I was gonna ride it to the shoreline.
Speaker 1:These videos getting deleted over time.
Speaker 2:The,
Speaker 1:The doc shop owner
Speaker 2:Had to, she took that down immediately. As soon as she realized that she had docs, this lady. But it was too late.
Speaker 1:Too late. It was screenshotted.
Speaker 2:People had screenshotted it. They had shared it, it had shared it to Facebook. It had been shared to TikTok.
Speaker 1:I'm 90% sure you shared it.
Speaker 3:I did not<laugh> I did not. No. I was like, oh, okay.
Speaker 1:So
Speaker 2:Then she starts deleting videos, making new videos. The
Speaker 1:Creator,
Speaker 2:The shop creator. Okay. Is spiraling. Okay. She has got a lot of traffic coming.
Speaker 1:Now the the other, the popular Tumblr ladies following is coming at her. Yes. And now the shirt, the shirt, the buyers people are coming as well.
Speaker 2:And then it, the
Speaker 1:TikTok algorithm viral people. Yeah.
Speaker 2:TikTok algorithmed up on it. Yeah. They said it's a slow day. You know, let's give
Speaker 1:These people, you know how you said like TikTok can choose somebody in the background was like,
Speaker 3:Let's watch
Speaker 1:The world. But yeah,
Speaker 2:So everyone, people are making videos and stitches like how did I end up on Tumblr drama and then me watching Big Deborahs not understanding,
Speaker 1:I you guys love feedback. Corey's been in tum drama for years. I don't know why. Dunno. Well tell me these little things about these people's lives.
Speaker 2:I almost like have a
Speaker 3:Relationships with them.<laugh>
Speaker 2:Like, girl, not today. We
Speaker 3:Can't do that.
Speaker 1:So, okay, back to the story. It starts getting mud slingy at 0.3. Do you want me to read what you say at 0.3? Sure. Uh, keep it private and professional. Uh, in parentheses, if it were read in a court of law, would you Grammy blush? Yes.
Speaker 2:So the customer screenshots the messages she's was getting from the shop during all of this. Is this
Speaker 1:True Etsy or through like TikTok now? Like honestly,
Speaker 2:I don't know. Looks, it's kinda
Speaker 1:Weird about the messaging, so I can't imagine
Speaker 2:Somebody. It looks very Etsy
Speaker 1:Ish. Light. Etsy has it. Look and you, if you see, you
Speaker 2:Know, yeah, I'm gonna say it was Etsy because they had both blocked each other at this point.
Speaker 3:<laugh>? Yeah.
Speaker 2:So she is one cursing up a storm in these. So the shop
Speaker 1:Is cursing the customer.
Speaker 2:I think it was Etsy that she tac tic-tac. She screenshotted it two tic-tac. Oh.
Speaker 1:So the little
Speaker 2:Deadly. So the deadly
Speaker 1:Tac. So
Speaker 2:The customer is now sharing what these private messages are that the shop owner is saying to her. But
Speaker 1:It's wildly,
Speaker 2:It's offensively.
Speaker 1:Is it
Speaker 2:Accusatory? Oh, a thousand. You must have dropped this.
Speaker 1:You had this
Speaker 2:From the beginning. Okay, I sent, this is what she said. I sent out eight tumblers and only yours arrived.
Speaker 1:Does she work for Kela Center
Speaker 3:<laugh> when
Speaker 2:Yours arrived Broken. You are trying to do me in cuz you don't like me. You're a bully.
Speaker 1:That's crazy. Yeah. Well, we haven't pick sides nor shall we.
Speaker 2:No. Nor shall
Speaker 1:We'll pull a business diary here. So
Speaker 2:The customer, I don't know, maintains her decorum the whole time. She
Speaker 1:Probably was like, if it were red in court law, would my Grammy blush.
Speaker 2:She did not capitalize one letter. She did not say what curse was.
Speaker 1:You weren't to always imagine. And then it like the likelihood of it ever happening is low<laugh>. But if you had a civil scoop out against you for not refunding corers, would you be embarrassed? Yeah. Would the judge look up at you and be like, really, really, really? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Take us back in.
Speaker 2:So now this, these private screenshots are now going viral as well and the world catches.
Speaker 1:I wouldn't be like, well I'm gonna delete the internet.<laugh>. That's what people say. Surprise and cancel
Speaker 2:<laugh> the world caught on that. She has an Etsy shop and boy did they go to town. One lady bought disagree. This thing I
Speaker 1:Disagree with the don't have minions. I for sure didn't that as unfair.
Speaker 2:But is are they out there? It's
Speaker 1:A risk. It's
Speaker 2:A risk you have to take when you're selling something. You do not know who you're talking
Speaker 1:To. You don't.
Speaker 2:So the shop owner, not a ton of followers. Her best bud, tons of followers. And with the viral mix, they found out that she had Nancy shop and they went and screenshotted every one star review and her reply to it
Speaker 1:And they were,
Speaker 2:Were
Speaker 1:Scathing. Okay. Now this brings us to your fourth point, which is if you make mistake, take accountability.
Speaker 2:Yeah. None of the one star reviews. Did she teach any accountability for
Speaker 1:Which least once star review's been in the two year history of the ET shop? It wasn't just caused by the drama.
Speaker 2:No, but they, it was almost like the drama just, just latched on. So she had a ton of five star reviews, 10 bad reviews, and they've latched onto it
Speaker 1:And, but okay. So they're, uh, the way the internet works is kind of trying to bait people. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> if, if they're baiting, you think of in terms of fishing, you got this little hook beneath the delicious little mm-hmm.<affirmative> minnow. And then it's trying to get a reaction from you of which this lady gives a stellar,
Speaker 2:Oh, now she firework, she makes a new, uh, shop owner makes a new TikTok. Okay. Accusing them of this scheme since November.
Speaker 1:Oh. Like this is all planned out. It
Speaker 2:Was all planned ahead.
Speaker 1:Big Deborah was always going to fall. It was
Speaker 2:Always going to be Barbara.
Speaker 1:In the beginning the accountability was taken kind of like, Hey, I can fix in. Sorry about that. Yeah. And now it's no is not a lie. Accusatory.
Speaker 2:And then she says, I'm not gonna refund you. Which is not really up for
Speaker 1:It's Etsy. She's not gonna lock that<laugh>. She's got be like, we'll get there first.
Speaker 2:I'm not, not gonna refund you. You must have dropped it then put it back into the box
Speaker 1:And then epoxy over it.
Speaker 2:She said, and then painted over it. Like, I would never send out something that
Speaker 1:Horrific. So now we definitely, well we already were, but in this example, we're definitely at odds. Either the person, the buyer has to acknowledge, yeah, I did that and I'm a liar. Uhhuh<affirmative>. Or I have to fight for my, my dignity, honest honesty and character and say that you are the liar. Right. There's no other option. Yeah. You have as 0.5, which is work to a mutual resolution for both parties.
Speaker 2:Yeah. You want to take any
Speaker 1:That at That's a sad
Speaker 2:Charge. I know. Ah, uh, you have got to make, you have, you cannot be emotional at the end of the day, refunding the$200 Tumblr and saving you from being on Business Insider
Speaker 1:Is
Speaker 2:Worth the$200.
Speaker 1:I know. Okay. You guys listening might be like, wait, she got on Business Insider and you aren't on Business Insider. It's not for the right reason. It's not for right reason. And it's not a good article by any shirt. It doesn't make me wanna buy something. So you can go as viral as you want, but if it makes you think, Ooh, let me take a life lesson from this. I don't think we've accomplished a goal. So
Speaker 2:The, the Toler shop is making videos, taking them down saying, I'm done with this coming back. So we're riding
Speaker 1:The way because, but now I think now a bunch of strangers are involved
Speaker 2:In this. Oh, we're
Speaker 1:Just waiting spiral content. And they're absolutely waiting her
Speaker 2:And she's, she's taking because every
Speaker 1:Single day because you made somebody who's not emotional. And that's the key of this non-emotional business owner. It's just business. Business. It is. Because when you remove yourself from, like, don't you dare say that to me. Yeah. Like when you remove my older sister does this head Bob thing. If you get her to that point,<laugh>, you've, you've gone too far.<laugh>. Uh, so if you can remove the head, Bob replies or not give them out to people. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> people will eventually, um, lose interest. Have you ever seen like a Yeah. With those animals that played dead? The snake that I have? Yeah. It's like feature is its ability to play dead. It turns over and sticks it fun.
Speaker 2:Is it awesome? Do that?
Speaker 1:I think so.
Speaker 2:Do they? I
Speaker 1:Think they do. I think they do. Yeah. Anyways, back to my<laugh>. Uh, the thing is, when a cat comes up to it just keeps playing dead. Even if the cat flips him over, he'll flip back over it and it gets really boring for the cat. Yeah. Who wanted a game? Yeah.
Speaker 2:It when the snake to
Speaker 1:Sl their away. So it wanted little torture sash and the snake's like, Nope, if I continue to k keep playing dead, you're going to lose
Speaker 2:Interest. If I pretend I'm not working, will you leave me alone? Will you lose interest in me and just do the work
Speaker 1:Yourself.<laugh> I'll just like be like, you wanna go to Algar her God got bird<laugh>. Okay. So work to a mutual resolution. Now there is a case in which is, is can you ever find a place where a hundred percent uh, win on both sides likely? No. No. Not if something's wrong. Yeah. But you can find maybe a 50 50 win, a 70 30 mm-hmm.<affirmative> 60 40. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> a place where people get something. Yeah. Uh, without costing everything. We, we definitely don't wanna live in a business world, which is a hundred zero. Uh, cuz somebody's gonna be really happy. Someone is not
Speaker 2:Going to be happy.
Speaker 1:So continue on.
Speaker 2:So at this point, the Tumblr shop is getting so much backlash that she changes her TikTok handle to error.
Speaker 1:Seriously though. Never deleting it.
Speaker 2:Never deleting it. She said she was then she said she couldn't. She said you wanted to, but she didn't.
Speaker 1:So if you guys aren't familiar with the way TikTok works, oddly it has two names. Unlike Instagram where you have one handle mm-hmm.<affirmative> on TikTok, you have a handle and a username. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. So she's changed not her handle from what I assume her username, she
Speaker 2:Ends up changing. She takes her Etsy shop out of her bio. Well, smart now. Smart.
Speaker 1:But I think too, too late though. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah. She didn't know where they were coming from, but it was coming from,
Speaker 1:Once it gets screen recorded, you're gonna
Speaker 2:Oh, for sure. And then changes her thing from her Tumblr shop name to Error Unknown with a bunch of numbers behind it.
Speaker 1:There's no error unknown. She just named herself Error
Speaker 2:Unknown. Yes. And now then takes her profile picture and makes it where it just almost looks like
Speaker 1:Yon. Yeah.
Speaker 2:It that it didn't look like it
Speaker 1:Or something. Okay. But the but is there, did she leave a all of content or archive it or delete it? Is there content on this?
Speaker 2:No, content is still up there. Okay. But she's still deleting like her accusatory videos and then putting up another one to explain the one that's missing. For sure.
Speaker 1:So where are we at currently? Because by the time the Business Insider article got to me, there's no resolution. It was just kind of, she said, she
Speaker 2:Said it turned out that after it went viral, she refunded her just at a pure like, oh my goodness, this is too much. Abor Abor.
Speaker 1:Yeah. That's,
Speaker 2:So she refunded her. Unfortunately, the customer never made a follow-up video. The
Speaker 1:Customer,
Speaker 2:Her first video. Was it she,
Speaker 1:She only made one.
Speaker 2:She one video.
Speaker 1:She only made the video about the doxing. That's it. Now that other Tumblr creator, the bestie Uhhuh<affirmative>, how many videos did she create?
Speaker 2:Uh, probably five.
Speaker 1:Oh, she really made it in. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Okay. She did.
Speaker 1:So she knew she and she had a big follow,
Speaker 2:She had a big falling target audience.
Speaker 1:So
Speaker 2:Because the original customer did not make another video, you never knew that she was refunded because you'd only seen that one video where the, where the shop said, well I will not refund you now. Oh. So she almost needed that lady to make another video and she never did
Speaker 1:<laugh>. The biggest thing in the Business Insider article is that the Etsy shop creator said the internet didn't stand up for me. Um, yeah.
Speaker 2:Internet. Another doesn't
Speaker 1:Said
Speaker 2:How I've helped so many of you. Why aren't you all coming to help me? Why is no one making a video standing up for me? You guys make me feel like so alone right now. I've been consumed by this. Wow. But it's almost like, do you wanna get on the bad side of someone with a 350,000 following
Speaker 1:350,000 following, following<laugh>? Yeah. I wish Yeah. The the internet is this scary place.
Speaker 2:It is a scary place.
Speaker 1:So, so I'm sorry you have, you have 0.6. Always ask yourself, how can I stay out of a Business Insider article? Like it, when replying, think to yourself, will this get me a feature on Business Insider? Yeah. For all of the wrong reasons.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Oftentimes in community groups, you never really always see someone saying, oh, I went and got this done from this person. She's amazing. Go and give her your money. But you always will see someone who has a bad
Speaker 1:Experience. Yeah. There's that local cake shop here that always local always ends up in the Nova food experie. Yeah,
Speaker 2:They do. And then I saw they're all the wrong for all the wrong reasons.
Speaker 1:And then I, but it's juicy gossip.
Speaker 2:And guess what Post gets the most interactions?
Speaker 1:Well, I've screenshotted every single one. I found this interview
Speaker 2:<laugh> like I saw this morning, someone said, you know, is this normal for a lash tech to do this? Of course you called me like that first line I read the rest it about
Speaker 1:The German.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And they, I mean she never doxed anybody, but she definitely was like, yeah, I, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't off base.
Speaker 1:They're in the sugar cookie marketing group as an admin. I can now see where the wording of ops post is going to dictate how the comments section goes. Again, in Sugar Cookie Marketing group, pretty strict on the rules that you have to ask a question that garners a helpful response. It can't just be customer bashing cuz that values, that helps nobody. Uh, but when OP comes in is like, can you believe they said this? Can you believe they said this is alluding that this person, this client of theirs is crazy.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Honestly, in the world of marketing, that's what we call a hook<laugh>. That
Speaker 1:Is a hook and it's a juicy hook, but it spirals out of control. Yeah. Especially sometimes. And in the sugar cooking marketing group, we try to delete these as soon as they go up. But it doesn't go in favor of what OP alluded to. It actually goes just as violently in the other direction. And that's when we have to get And it gets muddling. Yeah. And then feelings get hurt. Yeah. Because it got emotional. Yeah. It was emotional when it came out the gate. Can you believe this happened? Uhhuh,<affirmative>? Can you believe they said this? Uhhuh<affirmative>, uh, always the whole like, you know, aunt, aunt Gate 2020 Yeah.<laugh>. Yeah. That kind of whole like, can you believe this? And then it escalates and escalates When as a business owner, your goal should really be deescalation at all costs.
Speaker 2:It you honestly want to get from a issue to b resolution in the shortest amount of time.
Speaker 1:Straight line. Man. That's the shortest, can't say to be as a straight
Speaker 2:Line because you, we one, we don't have control over the review sections. You know, they're out there. If, if you don't have a Yelp profile, I can make you wanna leave you once or
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, yeah. We had this client who was known for being way too fast in replying highly emotional, very accusatory, thankfully on Google My Business. We can edit those, but not before it was up for 10, 20 minutes. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Me and Heather in our marketing company, we won't work with someone
Speaker 1:Because we learned to listen.
Speaker 2:Yeah. We won't work with somebody who is bad at
Speaker 1:Customer service.<laugh>. Yeah. It's too hard to outmarket bad customer service. Yeah. A bad business owner. There's no amount of marketing we can do to cover up being just a crap dinner in
Speaker 2:Person. Yeah. So now when we vet our potential
Speaker 1:Customers, we Are you crazy? Yes. No<laugh>.
Speaker 2:Yeah. We, we go and look at Yeah. How they respond to reviews. Because if you are going to accuse someone every single time, I cannot get you more leads over that.
Speaker 1:That is, I'm gonna tell you, do you remember I'm gonna just say one keyword word. Carpet. Carpet.
Speaker 2:Carpet.
Speaker 1:Okay. She,
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I'm mouthing work.
Speaker 2:Oh, I remember
Speaker 1:<laugh>. So this client we had worked with for a while. Okay. Now great reviews. It's a, it's the life cycle of business. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you're not gonna nail every project with an a, uh, bad reviews. So Corey and I, you know, had written the script of like, hey, thank you. You know, validation, acknowledgement, resolution and hey, we'll take this back with us
Speaker 2:Uhhuh<affirmative>, uh, to the board group. Yeah.
Speaker 1:And then they got another bad review. But we had stopped working with a client,<laugh> and that person came back and said, what in the world? You seem so respectful for the other reviews and now look at this<laugh>.
Speaker 2:It's just too hard. And you cannot erase that. Once it's up there, you're at the mercy of someone and hoping and praying they will take it down.
Speaker 1:Why they, if they left you a one star review, the only way to change your mind is through kindness, understanding, validation. That's your,
Speaker 2:That's your Hail Mary class.
Speaker 1:You're gonna mean them into five
Speaker 2:Star room
Speaker 1:<laugh>. Okay, so now you have, take us back to the story. Sorry for the Tumblr hiatus. It
Speaker 2:Comes, we're now this lady,
Speaker 1:We're now almost up to today.
Speaker 2:We're almost up to today. Okay.
Speaker 1:There's, this is happened in what timeline? In
Speaker 2:A a four day time span.
Speaker 1:Oh,
Speaker 2:Insane. Yeah. And people were bored on the internet<laugh>. So they're like, let me just tune
Speaker 1:In slow we go.
Speaker 2:So she makes two
Speaker 1:Videos
Speaker 2:And, and she says, I may have made it incorrectly.
Speaker 1:Now we got accountability, but
Speaker 2:We have accountable too little too late. The, the red was cracked. She did epoxy it over. She
Speaker 1:What do you think? Switched?
Speaker 2:I think she was just, you gotta be so tired at that point.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Yeah. Worn out. Yeah,
Speaker 2:Worn out. She, it was stitched hundreds of times. The
Speaker 1:Internet gets crazy when they feel that you're in the wrong. Yeah. There's, they play judge jury execution for sure. In the duets. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So she not only had to guard TikTok, she had to guard Instagram. She had actually, she ended up turning off the comments everywhere she could possibly to try to mitigate some of the hate she was getting on. I,
Speaker 1:Uh, business insiders at death threats.
Speaker 2:That's another thing that went bad. She screenshotted someone's name from Facebook and it said comment was hidden. And she's like, I'm getting death threats and showed this
Speaker 1:Lady's name. Oh was the wrong name. Yeah. Okay. And
Speaker 2:The lady had not done that.
Speaker 1:<laugh>, what was the lady's comment? Hidden.
Speaker 2:It was almost like, you know when Paige has spam or something? Oh,
Speaker 1:She probably like I won't wear<laugh>. Yeah. Do promoted all. So then it just, she, it
Speaker 2:Was so reactive.
Speaker 1:It was moving fast. She
Speaker 2:Could never get up on top of
Speaker 1:It. Crazy. Uh, so really she shut down Now you said she's almost deleted, deactivated user aand and shut down any source of income she had for this Tumblr stock.
Speaker 2:So her last thing that she posted that I saw said I have got to rebrand my last two years of work. All that hard work building this following and I'm going to have to rebrand because that name is now associated with this drama. And
Speaker 1:You said there's a trending hashtag. Yeah, that's how I hashtag again, no,
Speaker 2:I can't say this is her name.<laugh>
Speaker 1:<laugh>. Just
Speaker 2:A little Debbie.
Speaker 1:Drama<laugh>. Um, that brings us to 0.7. Mitigate potential loss like your entire business depends on it. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So imagine no one, none of us Two
Speaker 1:Years of work is a lot.
Speaker 2:All the following. You know, to start over.
Speaker 1:I mean if you said at the beginning, let's minus the 10,000 drama followers. If you had 30,000 followers interested in your product and you had a viral product, Uhhuh<affirmative>, like that's a lot of work. I'm not gonna lie. Uh, and just because this one thing was handled incorrectly and hit the algorithm right time or wrong time, whatever you wanna call it. Yeah. Wrong time, wrong place. Your business has been gutted so we'll then too. Yeah. I so curious to see if she made sales, but we'll never know
Speaker 2:From the sound of it. No. Mostly cuz of the 19 wait week.
Speaker 1:Wait,<laugh>. Yeah. They have long wait time. You can tell that she's not making tumblers if she's on the internet fighting Yeah.
Speaker 2:Death threats. Yeah, for sure. Sure.
Speaker 1:Right. It's not, it's not good for your mental health to get involved in stuff like this. Yeah. It's not good for your business health to get involved in stuff like this. And it all comes back to the could you have found a partial win for both parties as quickly as possible and not accused anyone. And I know people are froing on the butt to say the CU customer isn't always right. Yeah. And they may not be, but you are the business owner and you have more to lose. And if you can make this one person okay, happy do How much do you stand to gain? Yeah. Uh, you have more in the game than they do as a business owner. Yeah. Unfortunately you need more of thems.
Speaker 2:And I will say the world really does rely on reviews, unbiased reviews. I, before I sign up for something, I will go to the review section to see what people think. I just got arter a uh, orthodontics appointment. That sounds
Speaker 1:Exciting.
Speaker 2:They have 76 5 star reviews. Mm-hmm. Uh, and the, the competitor had a 4.7 outta five. Which one do you think they called?
Speaker 1:4.7 outta five five.
Speaker 2:We're getting the best for this kid.<laugh>. None.
Speaker 1:I had the braces, I had the rubber band in a square. My front teeth.
Speaker 2:I know. I think he's gonna have to have that. We'll see. I
Speaker 1:Think they pull my front teeth down too far.
Speaker 2:No, mine aren't just as far. I got shaved. Yeah. Mine. She didn't do a good job.<laugh> one.<laugh>.
Speaker 1:So, so let's recap. Refund chaos. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, which if you wanna get involved in this, apparently it's all still on TikTok.
Speaker 2:It's still<laugh>. Okay.
Speaker 1:One, have it in your policies. Have your refund policy in place. Make the policies a fog guy. Hey, I'd love to help you. Yeah. Here's what I can work with. Um, two, give it a minute. Cool. Off. No one died by not getting an immediate response. We work in cookies man.<laugh>. We're not rocket scientists and we're not brains. Surgeons saying goodness. Right. And number three, keep it private and professional. Asterisk. If it were red in the court of law, would your Grammy blush? I really, I really wanna stress this one in the age of screenshot. I mean I'll have to do on my sweet Samsung is swipe right with my palm.
Speaker 2:You know how many times I tried out on the apple? It just turns the thing off.<laugh><laugh>.
Speaker 1:Uh, yeah. It's really easy to screenshot things and it's really easy to take it outta context. So we wanna make sure that our response is, even if taken outta context still can't be construed in a way that makes us look.
Speaker 2:And once you put that stuff out there,
Speaker 1:You can't get it back man. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>, you cannot get it back. The internet is forever. Yeah. Um, do you know they're working on, I think more in the uk America they're like nah uh, the right to be forgotten. The right to remove yourself from the internet. And there's ways to get your information de-indexed in certain countries. Oh,
Speaker 2:Wildly, huh? Yeah. Um,
Speaker 1:Take accountability. We are not perfect. No one expected us to be perfect.
Speaker 2:When you require the customer to prove themselves, you're, you're like,
Speaker 1:Prove yourself is come find me. Yeah. Let's take this out back to
Speaker 2:Say like, I sent out eight Tumblrs and yours was the only messed up one. I
Speaker 1:Mean that's what the key guy, didn't we? That's not to be like, well I guess I'm a liar.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So no one's gonna say I'm a liar. They're gonna say No, you sent it to me. I've literally just opened the box.
Speaker 1:Now there's
Speaker 2:Those
Speaker 1:Things where the, let's take this back to cookies. Like, hey, you asked for Mav, I didn't match your, per your invitation perfectly. Cuz there's no way to exactly color
Speaker 2:Match color that's gotta be in your policies. Yeah.
Speaker 1:You we
Speaker 2:Are not color. And I don't know if that's a reward. I, okay. It is. I've been setting cardiology,<laugh>.
Speaker 1:So
Speaker 2:What I say is I will do my best to get as near to a color as I can, but I cannot promise and is an exact match.
Speaker 1:And I'm gonna say this, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be so bold. What are you checking on your watch?
Speaker 2:Just trying to see when I'm gonna pick My hair
Speaker 1:Died. Nothing.
Speaker 2:Check.
Speaker 1:Um, may I be so bold? Oh now
Speaker 2:I forgot what I said. Be so cold. Oh, that was so good. You were such on a
Speaker 1:Yeah. Hold on, hold on. It's coming back to me. We were talking about
Speaker 2:Cology
Speaker 1:And and
Speaker 2:Cologists and saying I could match the color mob as close as the can, but I can't get it exactly right. It's all I can remember.
Speaker 1:My brain is firing an
Speaker 4:Also, so trying to get this back<laugh>, I would say
Speaker 1:That even if, uh, are you just making it sounds like
Speaker 4:<laugh>, let's just move whatever that was, it was really good. You guys will never know.
Speaker 1:Uh, we're towards a mutual resolution. So that's that eight. Don't look at this, it's a hundred zero. Don't say you're wrong. I'm right. Mm-hmm<affirmative> don't do. That's what the therapist told me. You look at life as black and white a lot and most of it's gray
Speaker 4:<laugh>. It is kind of true. That's what a gray principles say.<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Uh, but we're gonna mutual resolution. So let's say the customer's like, hey you didn't perfectly match. If it wasn't in your SS then
Speaker 2:You're at the mercy of,
Speaker 1:Even if it wasn't your posse, can you still say I'm so sorry it isn't my policies that it, I'd love to come to a resolution that still makes you happy. I would, I would again refund happy. I had
Speaker 2:Someone bring up mov and I was like, oh no I
Speaker 1:Actually that out the
Speaker 2:Gave you the color mov and sent you a link to what it looked like and you gave me full approval. And she's like, I guess I can make order
Speaker 4:<laugh>. We didn't be fun. No. So I think
Speaker 1:There's always a place where you can find a mutual resolution that makes people feel that they got
Speaker 4:Hurt. I,
Speaker 1:Without making them feel like they got a find buck.
Speaker 2:Even saying heard.
Speaker 1:I understood. Understood
Speaker 4:Where you make fun of that. I had an ex-boyfriend who said that<laugh> when he apologized for me, he been saying but, and I'd be like, ok, let's try this for another two weeks.<laugh>
Speaker 1:I weeks
Speaker 4:Interest seen her, didn't understand.
Speaker 1:Uh, number six, ask yourself, how can I stay out of a business Insider article? Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Ooh. When I saw it, when I saw what Corey is, Corey's been telling me about for a week,<laugh>. I said, what? This is what happens when it ke escalation on top of escalation on top of escalation can only escalate.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And when you feed it, you bait it. They have screenshots, they have recordings and they can post it anywhere. You can't control community groups. You can't control what's happening behind the scenes.
Speaker 1:You can't control opinions.
Speaker 2:The only thing you can control is be
Speaker 4:Yourself.
Speaker 1:Right. A lot of times the best answer is just to keep your mouth shut. It is<laugh> the cool off period's very
Speaker 4:Important.<laugh> that back to step two. Uh,
Speaker 1:Yeah. So just the fact that the, you know, business insider, which is you know, making a ton of articles, but not only did it end up on Business Insider that when I type, if you have an Android phone and you hit the Google, it pulls up any articles that things are interesting to you. Okay. For some odd reason that got sucked up into my role.
Speaker 2:Oh I think Google was hearing me and it just,
Speaker 1:Your sister's gonna ask about this
Speaker 4:Straight up audit<laugh>. So,
Speaker 1:And then seven mitigate potential loss. You risk your entire business. You do.
Speaker 2:And it's, you know, I hate that. Like people who have nothing to do with, it can be the judge during an executioner, but the way they spin the story is going to benefit them at the end of the day.
Speaker 1:They're not gonna be like they, you got a client, they're crazy. Mm-hmm<affirmative>, they're wrong. We know they're wrong. Our policies include that they're wrong. Uhhuh<affirmative>. And they come at us and we give them a reply that is dry, that there's no juicy tidbits, there's no point of jump off escalation. And then they go to the internet and write these absolutely skating reviews and we go and reply it and say Thank you so much for your feedback. I really appreciate it and makes me a better baker. There's nothing there. No. They even the people that are coming to look at this crime scene, they're
Speaker 2:Not getting filled with they're drama that they're looking
Speaker 1:More, they're getting, they'll likely think, well that probably that fire is crazy.
Speaker 2:They could Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah. In the Northern Virginia foodie's group or whatever. Yeah. They found us one bagel shop.
Speaker 2:Yeah.<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Yeah. In like Winchester.
Speaker 2:Oh, so he made too many videos. Oh yes. He's crazy. He posted it everywhere.
Speaker 1:It's so crazy. His replies to these reviews are just incredibly crazy.
Speaker 2:Everyone in that group said, I will not<laugh> keep going. End up there. Yes. Ah, yeah. It was cra So you know,
Speaker 1:Choose your battles man. I think the battle you need to choose is which cruise you wanna go on with your profit margin. Yeah. Uh, not really fighting on the internet.
Speaker 2:It's not worth
Speaker 1:It. No. And you know, it takes one person with some friends, one buyer with some friends to go and leave you 10 negative reviews. You may have thought you were only fighting one person, but it is not hard to get somebody to leave a bunch of negative views. Which Okay. That's a version of, it's called negative seo. It's, uh, can enforce. It's not illegal. I guess you could get, get a lawyer involved at the Bible slander thing. Yeah. Good luck. Yeah. All they have to do is place that one order. Yeah. For your next presale.
Speaker 2:That's what someone did to her purchase the cheapest thing on her website so she could leave that lady
Speaker 1:One. And that's a, you know, that's a point of exposure you had. Yeah. Etsy let them do that and you didn't close up the loopholes before you wanted to escalate this argument. Yeah. So I think we can all learn from refund chaos in the Tumblr world and say it's just not worth it. So I know a lot of people say, well the twins say refund everything. The customers always right. No, uh, the customer can cause you more damage than you can cause them. Yeah, that's what I'm gonna say.<laugh> and I, I don't like refunds. I think it hurts my feelings. I hate doing it. Yeah. Uh, but that's not what I tell the client. No. I say thank you so much for the feedback. Yeah, I'd be happy to process that. Or you don't have to do a full refund. You can get, you can get fancy with it. Give them a little bit of a hostage situation with the percentage off of future order. If
Speaker 2:The colors are wrong, refund them for those cookies that have that color. Yeah. You can get
Speaker 1:Creative with it. But again, we don't, we don't wanna sound Okay. I'm only gonna refund you for 2.5 cookies
Speaker 2:Once, but you'll need to, we appreciate it and bring it back so I can test it.<laugh>
Speaker 1:Once I think I was reading in another group, which okay. Yeah. Gimme the popcorn man. I'm not the admin. Right.
Speaker 2:<laugh> I
Speaker 1:Was gonna read and it was like the lady had depreciated the number of cookies, less the weight of the icing that she didn't like of the only the f she'd refund. It was like it made it so meth problem. Yeah. She was busted out, she weighed inflation is at six square percent. Thanks. Are the, yeah. So I'm just saying you can get creative with it but don't get toxically creative with it. Don't make it so, I mean look at the create the creative key guy,<laugh> hostage key guy. Right. He was like less 25% of restocking fee and the shipping. Then we'll give you a store credit with inflation fee. Like Yeah. I, I, that's not what I wanted. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. That wasn't a win-win. You just made extremely difficult for me to get my money.<laugh>. Yeah,<laugh>, thank you. So you can get creative with refunds. But speaking on that, I did a poll this morning of refund podcast poll. How many orders did you refund in 2022? Because I know people think, oh the twins preach now we got two years of preaching refund. Two years. So how many people have we affected? How many news we have 472 votes. That's pretty good. I just posted it four hours ago. You just posted any posted a little earlier<laugh> in July, 69% of people said they had to refund 50 or more. Just, I'm just kidding. Zero. Zero. But see you guys, you gotta ride zero orders. The next up is 19% at one order an entire year. Uh, we got 2% at half order. I didn't even add that option. Somebody else did.<laugh>. Uh, we have 1% at 16 to 20 orders now they and 1% at 11 to 15 orders. Now the people who had those crazy refund numbers, they actually put it in the comments. So let me read some of these comments if you don't mind. Two thanks to the virus. Uh, hold on. Grammarly, go away. I wanna typo. One was not my fault I refunded, but anyways, I completely missed the mark and owned up to it. Two were partial refunds cuz I made a mistake but corrected. I don't pick up another person says I had to refund one through square but someone else paid for, paid me for it when the other person didn't show up. So I'm counting that at zero. Client had covid, I got Covid so I had to refund everything. Bonnie says none. It's just uh, let's see, five to 10 for me only cuz my kids got sick at Christmas with Covid. Oh uh, yeah that was a no crazy number one partial due to their change of plans. Two on my own end. Zero. Although I did offer it. So the odds of you get having to refund one order in the entire year is only 19%. The odds of you refunding zero orders in the entire year is almost 70%. Yeah. People who order from you don't want refunds. They want cook cookies and cakes.<laugh> and and cake pop<laugh>. Yeah. So, um, just something just like I've worn my on cloud juice. Yeah. I wore'em yesterday. I got the socks at Don't have blisters. It's nice. Yeah. Great shoe. It's a light shoe. Great shoe, right? Yeah. Yeah. It was extremely lightweight. It's so lightweight. I can, I can't describe how lightweight it is. I do. Oh, isn't that crazy? Yeah, it's, I read on it yesterday, recycled materials. Oh nice. Yeah. See the planet and walk the planet<laugh>. So back to, you know, refund chaos. If you look at, you know, this is 500 votes, 70% of 500 people never refunded in a year where we still had pandemic. Yeah. Which I think I've got it again. So I don't know Heather<laugh> this is right. It's like my body is like I down
Speaker 2:What To get sick again. I was literally sick two weeks ago
Speaker 1:And I was too.
Speaker 2:I just, you made me share a brad at all. Carlo,
Speaker 1:You tucked my side<laugh>. So what's your big takeaway? If you could give a life lesson here? I would say
Speaker 2:Be fast to the refund, slow to anger. Feel like that's in the Bible.
Speaker 1:Faster the refund. Slow to the reaction. Yeah, that's a good one. Slow to anger. Okay. There.<laugh> Mark and John<laugh>. Insightful. That's crazy. So that takes us through our marketing nuggets, but let's go back to the Facebook Live that we have coming up today.
Speaker 2:Weis,
Speaker 1:Lemme just pull it up real
Speaker 2:Quick. I did go to the mail bag, you guys, but it's in the back of the car. But there was quite a load and someone did address one of the letters straight to me. It said favorite twin. So I will read it later.<laugh>
Speaker 1:Second. Mine was lost in the mail. So we have today come to our brick and mortar with Kia Hut now Kia. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> is in the cookie college, but she opened a brick and mortar, which secretly, I think every baker kind of wonders if they could make that she jump
Speaker 2:It this past year, first week she said they couldn't keep the cookies on the shell. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Crazy. Yeah, they said it's a, everyone who's ever opened a brick and mortar is like, I'll see you in a couple years. Yeah. It gets busy
Speaker 2:When I see your name now. I'm like, wow. She got one second
Speaker 1:<laugh>, she decided to give it to us. So she's doing us a tour and she's doing a tell all on opening on how she got Oh, good opening. Yeah, that will, because she
Speaker 2:Opened it in 2022. That's crazy. So you'll get like the fresh perspective of, you know, how post quarantine, how that works.
Speaker 1:Tina Lease and technically probably hiring employees and buying machine maybe is probably a big old gym from, I
Speaker 2:Can't wait to watch that one.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's at seven Eastern tonight. Oh. You can find it in the group. I'll pin it at the top. And then we have virtual pop-ups with Nicole stole button. Now this is interesting. This is ing because it is like a popup but virtually. Yeah. And she's actually hosting it right after she live. That will be on Saturday at 12:00 PM
Speaker 2:Yeah. Cause she, she's going, she's actually doing,
Speaker 1:You're seeing her set up
Speaker 2:For an actual virtual
Speaker 1:Popup. I'm so curious. I know how it's, she has the cutest
Speaker 2:Cookie room. They're sprinkles on the wall.
Speaker 1:She has a subscription box and I think wherever she lives, she can ship wherever. Yes. So it makes a ton of sense for those states I know Florida changed their shipping laws.
Speaker 2:Oh, nice.
Speaker 1:I think, uh, Wisconsin was making some big changes. I'm not sure about shipping, but I think it was on income caps. Oh. Which is wild that they have income caps. Like you could only make, you can only be this successful. Yeah. Before we
Speaker 2:Crazy. I think you shouldn't, I think those are archaic and we need to
Speaker 1:Advocate
Speaker 2:For
Speaker 1:Online payment. That's weird that, that's weird. Shipping one shipping would be cool. Some of the states can't have pets at all. Yeah, I get it. I get it. I know, I get it. But I know, but
Speaker 2:I have a room with, with the door and no pets are around. I know.
Speaker 1:I don't know. The states are wild. California is one of the craziest states to just get started. I think you're 500 out the door. 500 bucks. Oh wow. To get
Speaker 2:The, yeah. Some of you to have a food handler's license. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. Mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:<affirmative>. And then there's some that are just like the Wild, wild West Sunset. Enjoy. Have fun.<laugh>. Get your need to be cool.
Speaker 2:You can,
Speaker 1:I'll take five of those. Shouldn't do it. Um, but not added yet. And I'll get it added. The
Speaker 2:Sift app. Sift app is supposed to help bigger. I have got to learn a little bit more about it. I'm excited to tune into it,
Speaker 1:But
Speaker 2:I've seen people loving it.
Speaker 1:She's teaching alive on it because I've seen so many people asking about it. Especially when get close enough. Hashtag time. Yeah. Miserable time of the year.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Tax day
Speaker 2:Is April 15th. Yeah. I am getting blown up in my email about like, tax download
Speaker 1:This file
Speaker 2:Over here. You're gonna have someone do your taxes. You're gonna try to do it yourself.
Speaker 1:I've always done it myself. I sweat through the whole time. I
Speaker 2:Know. We wait till the very last afternoon. April 14th<laugh>.
Speaker 1:I think it's like April 17th this time. I'm not sure. Last
Speaker 2:Year, I think they gave us an additional month and we also waited till the last thing heed. My husband's like, it's not that bad. He doesn't do it. I do his. Hey,
Speaker 1:We could do it right now. We wanna,
Speaker 2:No, we couldn't. I
Speaker 1:Don't. January 1st is everything you need to do, Adam. I can download it that way too right now.
Speaker 2:<laugh><laugh>.
Speaker 1:Uh, yeah, you get the kid tax credit thing, don't you? Yeah.
Speaker 2:Last year I was like, I want the Taste Kid's tax credit and then I owed it back<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Oh really? Did you file something
Speaker 2:Wrong? Yeah, they said I file wrong.
Speaker 1:I just thought the IRS tell me if I did a ride or wrong.
Speaker 2:I was like, your money. Not like I've ever gotten money back for taxes.
Speaker 1:I want a different ex-boyfriend said that technically if you get money back from the government, it's the worst investment ever. People do treat it like a savings account. Right. Because if the gov if it government takes it out, then you weren't spending it. But the government doesn't pay you any interest. The
Speaker 2:Governments, how can you get to zero though? How could you make that?
Speaker 1:He beat his every time and he said basically the government gave me an interest rate.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I also knew the manual<laugh> do not, do not take financial advice from
Speaker 1:Them. But I get the point is that when the government saving your money, it's not giving you any additional money. They're
Speaker 2:Getting additional money. You're not.
Speaker 1:You're not, you're not. But you gotta pay it. Death and taxes, man. Death's. Taxes and Tumblr, Ramma. 3 cent, three
Speaker 2:Things. We gotta give our time to<laugh>.
Speaker 1:So I have to add two more events as well, which is Cookie Con Ohio. Happy hour.
Speaker 2:No.
Speaker 1:And Cookie Con, Florida Happy hour. Now. Heather Campbell Brookshire just got back from Disney. I've lived Vic Vicariously through her post. Uh, she found a guy named Michael and they went on a bunch of stuff. She said her dad made elephant noises and she thought to herself, maybe him and Corey can have a competition.<laugh>, uh, Heather will be the virtual sponsor of the two Happy hours. I don't think she'll make the Ohio one, but she, I think she'll be
Speaker 2:On Florida. I think she, I'm definitely not, not needing
Speaker 1:Excuse next to Disney. Disney<laugh>. But she's from Texas. However, she's a Disney trip planner. And I gotta say, if you really want this to be a vacation, if you wanna incorporate Disney, you're gonna need, you're gonna need something to plant Trip. Cause guess what? It's a wild ride. Courtney did go to Disney Springs when we were at Cookie Con. That
Speaker 2:Went when we went last time. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I
Speaker 2:Like Disney Springs. I
Speaker 1:Like it too. Yeah. I wish we didn't go to the restaurant. We went to, we did go to the S stk
Speaker 2:Did not wait. Whatever one. We went to<laugh>. What was the blue one? Oh, ah, was that am i is a word blue?
Speaker 1:Correct? It doesn't it have like a, a name of a fish in it? The
Speaker 2:Fish one? Yeah. Blue Salmon. Oh
Speaker 1:My goodness. It was a cute little one next to where you get on the paddle boat. That looks like a sun.
Speaker 2:That one is, yeah.
Speaker 1:That place. A hundred percent. Absolutely Go. Yeah. Um, sorry, we can't tell you the name<laugh>. You'll just have to figure out. You'll have to
Speaker 2:Ask Heather Campbell.
Speaker 1:Right. We did go to the s e k, which is like a nice steakhouse went the lunch portion. I did not opening one in DC I did not. Big Iron<laugh>. Uh, but they have a Rainforest cafe.
Speaker 2:Oh. We went to the Rainforest Cafe.
Speaker 1:Loved, loved. It is hot down there. It is at that time. Hot. Yeah. But you're gonna want to have a Disney trip planner. Especially if you're trying to do both.
Speaker 2:Yeah. In the parks. It, it's hand handy to, to be able to just,
Speaker 1:At one point when we went to Disney a couple years ago, uh, we were in that weird bus line for an hour and a half.
Speaker 2:Oh. And then people got it. Listen, we
Speaker 1:Were in this, got a fight. Lemme talk
Speaker 2:<laugh>.
Speaker 1:We're
Speaker 2:In the bus line and it's like 102 degrees and there was a pole and if you stood behind the pole, it was like only 100 degrees. So there was nobody in the line. So I sat behind the pole just to get some sort of re relief from the heat. Yeah. But then people started coming and making the line go either way behind me. Yeah.
Speaker 1:I got crazy. So
Speaker 2:It going right and it was going left. And when the bus came up, they said we only have enough room for either the right side or the left side. And I said, sir, I don't care what side. I'm starting both of the lines.
Speaker 1:Okay. I think I have. Okay, well one you Disney folks. Let's see if you guys, I'm gonna tell you the restaurants we went at. I want you to see if you can read them
Speaker 2:Again. Okay. There's one that
Speaker 1:No, no, no, no. Uh, you and I went to House of Blues Restaurant. I didn't like it. Yeah. That's
Speaker 2:To No,
Speaker 1:We did not go to De by Joe. Jose Andres, who I think is actually a DC chef cuz I think he's opened another restaurant. Amir. We went to the Lava Lounge at the Rainforest Cafe. Loved, I loved that. Uh, we didn't go to McGuffin. Did we go to Maria Enzo's? Restaurante? I think we had the reservation and I switched out the reservation cuz this was that Covid reservation time.
Speaker 2:Yeah. I don't remember that one. Um,
Speaker 1:Okay, here's the one I think we went to that we really liked. Paddlefish.
Speaker 2:Paddlefish isn't inside. It sounds correct. It sounds correct.
Speaker 1:Okay. It was either Paddlefish or, um, there's a steak. Oh, do they close at the boathouse?
Speaker 2:The
Speaker 1:Boathouse.
Speaker 2:That's it. Are you, you sure?
Speaker 1:Yes. Because it's a, a boat was great. Loved it, loved it, loved it. Highly recommend. I kind of felt like we wanted to go to Paddlefish and maybe we didn't get the reservation
Speaker 2:For that. Let just now the Boathouse, now it's drying a<laugh>.
Speaker 1:I'm sorry. We need to establish the I Of course. It's just the pictures of these hands. The house.
Speaker 2:And that was at Disney Springs. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Paddlefish, Disney Springs. If you guys are a Disney lover, you can yell at, okay. Yeah. We did not go to Paddlefish. It was the Boathouse.<laugh>. You know what Paddlefish was? No. And this is where it was confusing. Paddlefish is in a boat that is actually a
Speaker 2:Building. And then this,
Speaker 1:A boat house is called Boathouse. This is what it, that's where we, that's where we want. Okay. So I can speak to Paddlefish. I think it was a little bit more a luxe. I thought we just said we went to the boathouse. Yeah. I'm telling you, I went to Couch and I thought I was taking you guys there, but it turned out to be the butt house, which was delicious. Delectable. Yeah. Great views,
Speaker 2:Great drinks. I can't remember that one at all. Which
Speaker 1:One?
Speaker 2:The panel boat.
Speaker 1:I did not go with you<laugh>. I did not makes<laugh>. So anyways, if you don't, your delicious. It was expensive. The, the, the one that the boat is Exclu.<laugh>. The whole place is outrageous<laugh>. But if you wanna say some money, get a travel planner, save some money.<laugh>. Just kidding. Get a traveler. Disney is not for the Jeep. It's more for the chain of heart. And then I gotta say Cook gotten that cheap. So get somebody else to do the hardware for you. Yeah. Farm out your hates. Mm-hmm.<affirmative> and, and Heather can do that for you. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. And then maybe her dad will give you elephant noises. And we just don't know.<laugh> if
Speaker 2:You, when in down go to the Rainforest cafe, that's
Speaker 1:So expensive.
Speaker 2:When in down
Speaker 1:<laugh> we used to have a rainforest cafe here at the mall. Left in the mall. It was the best scene. Boy. And I didn't realize ever we hadn't until we didn't, they took it
Speaker 2:Away and we've never seen it since.
Speaker 1:There was an alligator and you had a penny,
Speaker 2:You rained in the
Speaker 1:Ball.<laugh>. But it rains at the Disney one. I know. Okay. It's a
Speaker 2:Full-blown storm.
Speaker 1:<laugh>. Yeah. So maybe the kids at the Rainforest Cafe, you guys, if it's just you and your besties, the boathouse. Boathouse. And then if you're like, I'm luxe the Paddlefish. Yeah. Look, look in the reservation on that one. Yeah. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. But I guess if they,
Speaker 2:The one we went to at the top of that hotel and we said we are not
Speaker 1:Direct correctly, we were this, uh, the Okay. Disney trivia cuz I don't remember the name. Yes. It's a hotel that ha it looks like a weird triangle. Okay. And the monorail
Speaker 2:Runs through it.
Speaker 1:It is not
Speaker 2:The Floridian,
Speaker 1:It's not the, it's next step. The Floreta brand is the most expensive. Okay. If I knew someone
Speaker 2:Said the Floridian was
Speaker 1:Expensive. Yeah. That's the most expensive. So it's not that one. It's a tear down Disney Hotel. Is
Speaker 2:It called the Californian? The restaurant.
Speaker 1:Oh, was it, is it, uh, wasn't the Polynesian? No, these are names that do sound familiar to me. Okay, let's see. The Holiday Inn was not it<laugh>, it was not it. The Dolphin Resort? No. Okay.
Speaker 2:Was
Speaker 1:All right. Contemporary. The contemporary resort. That is where we ate at the restaurant at the top. What
Speaker 2:Was the restaurant at the top? I felt like the contemporary
Speaker 1:Was closed due
Speaker 2:To remodeling.
Speaker 1:It was, except for the hotel and the, we went in and got to the kitchen. I feel like that was a different one. Everyone restaurant. That's not where we stayed by the way. We stayed at the one across the thing. California Grill
Speaker 2:At the top of the contemporary.
Speaker 1:Yes. Fine. Dining opens at five today. 4,600 world drive
Speaker 2:Guys. They had a crumb brush.
Speaker 1:Yeah. When the guy gets your crumbley off wo garden
Speaker 4:Yet they know. They said live with your crumbs.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I was sitting there like, sir, well can we help you? He said, please move your elbows
Speaker 2:And then brushed your crumbs at
Speaker 1:Crum. Like elbows aren't even supposed to be on the table. Ma'am. Ien
Speaker 2:Sir,
Speaker 1:We were not dressed with, we
Speaker 2:Are not at the right place.
Speaker 1:But it was the most beautiful sunset. It
Speaker 2:Was the most beautiful sunset, the creme to die for.
Speaker 1:The only reason we went is cuz dad texted halfway through un unbeknownst to him where we were and said, dinner's on me.
Speaker 4:<laugh>. We said, whale wear that California<laugh>. And then
Speaker 1:When we went upstairs,
Speaker 4:I was, Heather
Speaker 1:Was
Speaker 2:In her sweat pants.
Speaker 1:Yeah. I did not look presented, but
Speaker 2:People were in dresses. People
Speaker 1:Were like proposing
Speaker 2:Someone got Yeah.
Speaker 4:Married<laugh>.
Speaker 1:And we got married to our
Speaker 4:<laugh> and I had my little kid saying he doesn't wanna eat anything on
Speaker 1:The menu. It was delicious. It was out of our
Speaker 4:Lake.
Speaker 1:It was when it was delicious. If I could go back, I would've dressed ly. I
Speaker 2:Was sweating with how much we did not
Speaker 1:Belong. The waiter was very nice. He knew he, he was, he
Speaker 4:Saw us from guys lost<laugh>. But you'll not be ordering the Gras<laugh>.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I would say I'll post up Heather Brookshire's information in the group in the cookie. Kind of happy yards. That name's gonna be long. I'm gonna have to truncate it a bit. But the information to get that planned by a Disney planner who goes to Disney all the time, will be there for you guys. Text me,
Speaker 2:Heather Miracle text me and said something something in the C C H H and I said, what
Speaker 4:<laugh> the cc. You just hit a line. Heather came, I Couldn<laugh>. People have already stopped.<laugh>. Back to Timer.
Speaker 1:What else? Oh, let's go through the sponsors. I gotta give a shout out to Eddie. Um, really, really cool. Direct to Food Printer. Now Eddie, I gotta say I've never seen customer service. Like I have seen Eduardo's customer service, whatever Tumblr has now the
Speaker 4:Opposite. Yes. It's Eddie. Be it like Eddie. That should be point number eight.<laugh>. So like the
Speaker 1:Eddie Group, there's an Eddie Printer user group on Facebook. It's run by Prime. The company and whoever is the Primea Yeah.
Speaker 2:Brand man
Speaker 1:Behind they poster a lot. Yeah. And this is how they did. They said, we see a lot of people use their Eddie on Sunday when Primera uh, support team is closed. Yes. And spending time with their family. And I'm like, oh, they're gonna spank everybody. Yeah. Right. They're gonna tell you lay off. Yes, we've got this. Would you like us? Would the group like us to have the support team that works kind of a skeleton operation on Sunday to help you guys?
Speaker 2:Wow. Wow. I was like, you think you're gonna get Sunday operations at Sugar Cooking Marketing<laugh>? Absolutely not always watching<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Uh, I think the group actually voted on letting them have Sunday off. But
Speaker 2:What a great, what a great way. Now we all feel like we're in on it. We've part of it together. Me and the support guys. How Quiet<laugh>. Well, I'll get you one next. Say hi your kids now.
Speaker 1:Okay. Uh, I gotta say Eddie Primary usage group. If you buy that product one great customer service. Now here's something that they were talking about in the group. Maybe all the time buying a$3,000 machine. Maybe too expensive. However you can do the math. And uh, Andy and Rochelle Uhhuh<affirmative>, they're in the group. They said they got Eddie to pay for himself in six months. Nice. Uh,$3,000. He paid for himself in Eddie orders in six months. It, you know, depending on how aggressive your marketing is. Yeah. But in that group, people will list all the time. They're Eddie that they just bought and maybe impulsively bought with you. Impulsively buy and things for$3,000. We
Speaker 2:Should be friends.<laugh> might.
Speaker 1:So they'll, they'll list their age for sale at a discount. Or you can call Prime and sign up for their refurbished
Speaker 2:Program. Yeah. Get on the list.
Speaker 1:Uh, yeah. So Wendy, she's in the cookie college. She signed up for the refurbished program and got, she's like, yeah, I thought I was gonna be on the list for a long time. But it was like,
Speaker 2:Yay.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Now Wendy's in Cookie better with Sam Cookie University who got one for sale from somebody up the street that she
Speaker 2:Founded. Wow. There's a whole, there's a whole, there's a whole Eddie Underground.<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Eddie
Speaker 2:<laugh>.
Speaker 1:Um, Eddie is the director food printer. So you can print directly on cookies. You can print directly on donuts and cakes. Um, I've seen people make stitch creative things coming up for Eastern Valentine's Day. I know. Wow. Someone posted today. I just kinda like perusing the group. It's great for ideas. Save the date cookies for a wedding. Oh. That's printed the calendar on it and then piped over like a heart on the thing. Super
Speaker 2:Cute. That's
Speaker 1:Go ahead and take
Speaker 2:It away. I probably need that. I cannot draw a letter to save my life.
Speaker 1:Uh, people print on the naked cookie to get the outlines. Yeah.
Speaker 2:Some
Speaker 1:People are printing on the naked cookie to get the, for a class, get me
Speaker 2:The little stands. You need our next sponsor. Our next sponsor is AE core backers. So what is a backer? It's actually a backdrop that you can take pictures on. I love these. I have way too many to count, but if you've ever seen a photo that I've posted, it has been on an aeco backer. Koy. Why do you like ae core backers so much? It is food safe. Matt, waterproof, scratch resistant. They are easily stored. I will say they, they don't roll up. But I like rigid because I don't like to have my sides of my picture rolling up
Speaker 1:<laugh>, if you've ever wrapped a present
Speaker 2:Yeah. And you've yelled at the side of the wrapping band and you're grabb a scissor, a tape<laugh>. You have to use a scissor to police back. So you, I
Speaker 1:Gave up wrapping presents a while ago and I tell people, listen, listen. My intention is here listen. Here's a gift. Listen. Nope. I'm not gonna do it.
Speaker 2:It's fun to rip. I paper and I hate as an adult.
Speaker 1:I also rip it while I'm wrapping
Speaker 2:It.<laugh>. Anyways, you can know
Speaker 1:What the phoning again is with putting it in a bag. Yes. With
Speaker 2:A tissue paper.<laugh>. Yeah. I wrapped him so everyone could enjoy roofing around. It was fun. Anyways, I'm gotta go get a PlayStation five for my son. Made a mistake.
Speaker 1:<laugh>. He does. You mean I tried to save him for him. I got him the game. It should be on Monday. Oh really? Nice. Yeah, he said, I said, what game do you win? He was like sky fallen. And I was like Okay great. I'll get it. He's like, you just told me gift<laugh>. Yeah.
Speaker 2:It's still only 13. Um, you can score an AE core. Oh for 20% off
Speaker 1:They're wrapping another way.<laugh>. You can
Speaker 2:Get 20% off NA backers by using sugar cookie at checkout. If you want to look and see what people are doing with their AE core backers, look up the hashtag on the Instagrams and you can
Speaker 1:See it and uh, talk an upward inflection
Speaker 2:And then get onto hashtag Tumblr drama<laugh>
Speaker 1:And then look up hashtag sugar cookie marketing<laugh> because Corey will like your stuff. I like that. Um, that leaves me with uh, bacony Bake Morang powder called Royal Ban. Royal
Speaker 2:Ban News
Speaker 1:Code Twins that check out for 10% off. Yeah. Uh, people really like it. Uh, I would say if you're like, Hey, I don't know if I can make it work for me, use the recipe on the back. Uh, that's actually when people comment on your Instagram post and they're like, can I get your royal icing recipe? They're like, it's on the back of, that's what I sent<laugh>.
Speaker 2:It's not mine.
Speaker 1:<laugh>. People who try it really, really
Speaker 2:Like it. The do. And I started taking one on the back of the bag. It will tell you to put one third a cup of marine powder in there for every two pounds of powdered sugar. I actually take a tablespoon out. Give her
Speaker 1:A little more dry. Huh?
Speaker 2:Give me a little bit more dry time before it crus. Okay. So
Speaker 1:Did you ever use s
Speaker 2:I have a bottle of bones. A bottle? Not that like it came in a bottle. They don't come in bags. Really? Yeah. A little
Speaker 1:Squat bag. Five meringue powder companies.
Speaker 2:No, there's a lot more than that.
Speaker 1:Whatever they icing silk is somebody hates it.
Speaker 2:A lot of people don't like satin. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Icing silk<laugh>. What's wrong with that? Isn't that for mea?
Speaker 2:No, I think it's just the Cru
Speaker 1:Time.<laugh> So makes, I dunno. Is that nice? I think maybe Michael's. I don't, I think it might be Michael's or Hobby Lobby
Speaker 2:Or CK Bakes. I don't know
Speaker 1:Why Dad brings CK Bakes<laugh>. You are they they are. They
Speaker 2:Usually. I think they like do wholesale. So you'll find it at France a lot.<laugh>. It's hard to buy it directly from
Speaker 1:There. Is that the bags?
Speaker 2:Yeah, those bags.
Speaker 1:Okay. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. You like them for
Speaker 2:Red? Oh love'em for red, black and green and white<laugh> if I need it.<laugh>. Some people don't like sometimes.
Speaker 1:Okay. Um, yeah. Great. Use code twins at checkout. Save 10% off. But people really like it. Seems like a great thing. Try the one pound bag or save some money. If you really like to get that five pound bag.
Speaker 2:If you use the five pound bag and you use the code twins and it's free shipping, you really do save a lot.
Speaker 1:Come to us for financial advice and Disney trip planning.<laugh> at Paddlefish.<laugh> that house. Do
Speaker 2:You have a twin dress?
Speaker 1:What? 20 tours? A
Speaker 2:20
Speaker 1:Tours. Okay. I do, uh, Corey's making fun of these. I just got these N FFC tags. This is in my new obsession. I can already feel it starting. I just programed one I can tell. And programming. No it's hardly, it's too close of a button. Mm-hmm.<affirmative>. I'm gonna teach a class I in the cookie college person one, but So you know what a pop is? Yeah. You know those things where you scan'em, they touch the back of your phone and it opens up either a link tree or you can do this says business card. It's just an NFC tag and you can buy them for pennies on dollar. So Corey and I did the math. 38 cents. I bought a hundred of them. I bought the fastest ones. You can get slower ones. I can get ones with limited features. Oh, interesting. Only the best for my NFC tags
Speaker 2:That,
Speaker 1:So I got the two 16 or something. Anyways, all I can program program loosely just typing, pressing buttons. Uhhuh<affirmative> to every time I tap it, it sends a text to whoever I assign the uh, NFC tag to. So I assigned it to Corey's number and then I re-wrote the text. So you may be thinking, what in the world would you use this for? I told Corey, think of it this way. You can put the NFC tag, which is just a sticker. It's a sticker. Smart sticker. Yeah. On your DIY kit and have your anybody who buys it tap the back of the phone. Every phone that's made in the last five years has an n FFC reader. It's how you use Apple Pay and stuff. Uhhuh.<affirmative>. Um, have the phone tap and I'll take'em to the website that has the DIY kit instructions. Now, um, listen marketing site.
Speaker 2:You told Corey, Corey told
Speaker 1:D Corey, sorry, whatever.
Speaker 2:You were like, we can use this for random stuff. You texted me the weirdest
Speaker 1:Thing<laugh> when I said you could use it for it. Let's say you buy packaging on Amazon but you bought it maybe a year ago. Cause let's you buy a hundred boxes of like the to go kits. Uhhuh<affirmative>. You can, you know, sign an NFC tag to that bin wherever you keep the box. And when you see yourself running low, tap it and it'll take you right to that website where you bought it a year ago.
Speaker 2:Add cart instead of being like, what was that I ordered?
Speaker 1:Scrolling back to your past orders. Yeah. If you like to order on Amazon, good luck finding it. Uh, so you can do that. And then NFC tags the, the higher, the two 16 or whatever you gotta do a little bit more research can be rewritten. So let's say that box sells out or you no longer like anymore, you can rewrite it to something else. So
Speaker 2:The ones you got, you can't rewrite
Speaker 1:These ones. You can't rewrite. That's why I kept making it do things. You're so crazy. Now it goes to your Instagram
Speaker 2:But you could also use it for a cookie class. Everyone likes to connect to the wifi and you don't wanna give it down all the time.
Speaker 1:You can get a pretty sticker and put the NFC ugly sticker under the pretty sticker and then say tap here for
Speaker 2:Instructions. Oh, that's a good idea. So when I went to the gym I was like, Hey, what's the wifi password? And embarrassingly he gave me this giant sign. Yeah, absolutely. And I said, oh, I am very embarrassed.
Speaker 1:<laugh>. So what you can also do is have the NFC tag automatically and connects somebody who taps it to your wifi. No. Which keeps people from having to run down and look for your router. Yes. Uh, yeah. So lots of cool things you can do with those. I'm going to adapt it to a cookie world and teach a class on it. And sugar cookie marketing Also,
Speaker 2:I guess if people are leaving class, you could be like, Hey, if you want to see more classes, follow me on Instagram. You can just tap this right here. Uhhuh<affirmative> on your way out.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. Just think of all the things and each one of these was 38 cents a pop is one. It's like 30 bucks. How
Speaker 2:About this I sticker in front of you.
Speaker 1:Well
Speaker 2:Look at Corey's right there. We'll bring you Tupler reviews if you do it right now. I will g I will give you this tiny little cookie cutter. Happy
Speaker 1:Be genius.
Speaker 2:Let's do it right now. Tap it.
Speaker 1:Beautiful. Whoever wants. Yeah. Yeah. So little do people know when we turn in terms of like SEO and reputation management? When Let's
Speaker 2:Try somebody. Okay, let's try it on. Sorry. Program. Malta.<laugh>.
Speaker 1:You know what we can also, here's a marketing slide of handwriting. I if I have. Let's, we give them the royal recipe, which is three ingredients, right? Mm-hmm<affirmative>. And so it's, I put it on the business card. Mm-hmm<affirmative>. I say tap this, it takes'em to the WordPress website that we use. We have a Facebook pixel firing. That means when they go to check it right there in front of us, they're now in our retargeting ads. I
Speaker 2:Love that our classes are booked. So I want them to leave a
Speaker 1:Review. I know. Um, back to the review thing. When somebody specifically on the platform Yelp and sometimes Google when somebody leaves a review at the location mm-hmm<affirmative> that your business is listed, the odds of it sticking in. If you're any familiar with Yelp, you know that uh, the good reviews tend to unstick themselves, but the odds of it sticking are higher when it's done at your location with a photo. Yeah. Because there's, every time you take a photo on your phone, there's a bunch of hidden data behind it called geolocation. Uh, and that's why when you look at Google photos and you search an area, it can pull up any photos taken in that area. That's because it's hidden in the back of that photo. Uh, so when they take that photo at your location and write that review whether or not the pho, it's, it works together in getting those
Speaker 2:Distracts. Yes. Let's try it. Okay. I wanna see how many we can get. Okay.
Speaker 1:What are gonna I got a hundred of them. Let's go. Let's, let's
Speaker 2:Let,
Speaker 1:What is your tin? Oh, I got a shocky head.
Speaker 2:No, you already talked about that last night. Did you? Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1:You made fun.
Speaker 2:Who was my, oh we found the gold. I don't even wanna do any more gold
Speaker 1:Reviews
Speaker 2:Because we found the gold.
Speaker 1:Is there any left?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think so. They actually re-shared my reel today. So I'm guessing that there.
Speaker 1:So you gonna make old gold
Speaker 2:Search for it. It's Jenna ray Cakes Canadian. They are Canadian and now cookie couture if you wanted to stock up on a few things cuz they're both Canadian based but generate cake sells like golden cake stuff. But cookie couture sale sells cookie stuff and now just started selling this gold. But it's edible. It's FDA approved ingredients. I don't wanna say like a full f FDA approval. Um, but edible, unlike it's counterpart, the gold wk name, but they're pretty identical for one's not edible. So one is not considered edible, it's considered non-toxic, which means they have not seen that it has been harmful to anyone who has consumed it but it's not technically edible.
Speaker 1:I bet the FDA would be like, Heather, you got nothing worry about man, you're drinking diet Coke at the other. You're
Speaker 2:Got it. So if you wanna see that, it's on our Instagram reels. It's generate cakes and I've labeled them all. Are
Speaker 1:Those without an NSC tag to tap? How can they find Instagram? You
Speaker 2:Can find us at www.instagram.com/sugar cookie marketing underscore
Speaker 1:Underscore. It is not spelled out. That is actually just a<laugh>. Whoever's, whoever never posted back to sugar cookie marketing. I wonder if they're like what followers speak on with Yeah, I can see I were, wow, the twins really suck at marketing. Yeah, I said to post all the time and they just never did. I did check the mail back. It will bring it up next week cuz it's in the back of my car. I You say one more time just in case it didn't hear the other three times. Brought the mail bags<laugh>. I will check next week. It's cuz it's a feat need to the key because the UPS store got sold and they don't realize they had the old one. No. Yeah, they sent a letter that man that's always there is not there. Oh he's not? No. Oh. I guess maybe he was only, I think he was maybe retired. I think this is out. Good friend. Alright guys, thanks for tuning in with us. I know this was a crazy podcast. It was a good one. It was a good one. On a scale of one to 10, 10<laugh>. So next week we'll have our hundredth and I'll boringly go through the statistics of the podcast. I honestly cannot wait. I have, I'm with Beta Breath Tumblr drama podcast ads. I delete edge of my hand.