Baking it Down with Sugar Cookie Marketing πŸͺ

163. Baking it Down - Website 101

May 21, 2024 β€’ Heather and Corrie Miracle β€’ Season 9 β€’ Episode 3

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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Website 101 - An audit of twin2's website.

We've been working on getting Corrie a new website πŸ•Έ - and we got the barebones bits together - so we thought it'd be fun to audit an unfinished website on today's Baking it Down Podcast - Episode 163

The big takeaway is this: there are many website hosts + templates + themes + plugins. πŸ’» Find what works best for you and don't be afraid to change and shift as your business grows and pivots. 

⚠️ Now - this podcast focuses less on the mechanics behind the website, and more on the layout of the website along with the copy, imagery, and buttons. We explained why we used it, what we still need to edit, and things we'd like to move around a bit. That's the beauty of a website audit - it helps you know what you need to tweak!

Here's the basic layout of the website - heavy on the brand colors, big CTAs (call-to-actions), she wanted to elongate her funnel to add a form so she can further vet leads - see, it's about what works for you even if it doesn't make sense to someone else (because - you know we say to keep that funnel shorter for high converting website leads, not longer).

So what do we want to focus on when we talk website layout. πŸ“‘ Here's a starting list (note - this will be different for different bakers).

1. Find a website platform that's right for YOU.

πŸ”— But for Corrie's website, I went back to ol' faithful - Shopify. Why? Well - I've used it before, and I wanted to see if it changed much (hint: it changed a lot). Do I think everyone needs to use Shopify? πŸ’» Not at all - but for what Corrie wanted and what I had experience with, it's what we went for. 

There are so m-a-n-y hosts, so don't be afraid to try them out (most have trial periods for free) to see which feels right. πŸ’΅ You may have the budget to hire someone to build your website for ya (or were born a twin), or you may want to "DIY" it and figure it all out (along with some new curse worse). Some website platforms give you tons of freedom (πŸ’” which can break the site) and some keep it very structured (which is less customized, but also - πŸ’’ a not broken website). 

2. Keep the top CTA-centric.

Towards the top of the website - called the top bar, menu, and banner ribbons - πŸ“£ keep them CTA-focused meaning constantly call your web traffic to take an action. ➑️ Order here, ➑️ get started here, etc. We don't want to make our most primate website real estate about the dog we had when we were 3 years old that we named our bakery after. No, no - we want their money. So make it easy for them to give it to us.

3. Add in some content that adds validity.

If they scroll past our prime web real estate, they may be looking for more trust-building. πŸ’― A great way to do that is through various segments of your home page that add validity to your bakery. Yeah - the very same stuff we told you to not put in the top section. Hey - they didn't buy, we need to convince them more. βœ… About me, βœ… about my process, βœ… FAQs - these can help answer questions (and address objections before they come).

4. Your branding matters.

🎨 Find your brand colors (coolors is a cool website to help you do that) and make that home page match. πŸŸͺ The more "wow, this all matches their logo and brand identity" your website gives, the higher the trust factor from your audience. 

Websites are a compromise - what works well for the bots vs the humans. What looks pretty versus what the client needs to see. What the page should say that's enough words without being too many words. You give and take until you find a design that works for both you and your clients!

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